


state park

Have you heard of the Adventure Pass program? The California State Park Adventure Pass provides free entry for fourth graders and their families at 19 amazing state parks throughout the state including Empire Mine State Historic Park.  Parents can now sign up for the 2023-24 Adventure Pass, which is valid from September 1, 2023 until August 31, 2024.  I am attaching our flier on how to obtain the Adventure Pass as well as the map of all the Adventure Pass parks for you to forward to your 4th grade parents.

 What does the Adventure Pass mean for 4th grade teachers? If your class is primarily comprised of 4th grade students, your guided school tour is free with the Adventure Pass. We ask that all your parent chaperones sign up for the Adventure Pass and bring a printed copy with you to the Park to qualify for the free guided tour.

Band Info With Working Links

Dear Prospective Band Parent/s,  

Thank you for taking a brief moment to review some important information regarding  the vibrant music program within our district that could leave a lasting musical  impression on your child.  

Magnolia Intermediate School currently offers several music electives including Concert  Band, Bella Voce (Choir), Piano Studio, and Music Fundamentals. The music program is  growing significantly, even since last year. For fourth and fifth grade students, the time  to start could be now.  

In the past, Magnolia Intermediate School has offered the chance for 4th and 5th graders  from Cottage Hill, Alta Sierra, and Arete to participate in Elementary Band, a beginning  band ensemble that meets on Magnolia’s campus. We are excited to announce that this  opportunity will again be available this year, and eagerly look forward to meeting the  young artists who will join this year’s class of dedicated musicians.  

Contrary to what many may believe, joining the music program can be quite simple and  cost-effective, particularly as a result of borrowing school instruments, class instruction,  and an atmosphere of cooperation. Whether or not your child has expressed interest in  playing a musical instrument, please consider this opportunity; it has been found that  many people are unaware of the growth potential inherent in the study of music.  Arts-related subjects have a positive impact on every area of study in school, and  current research confirms the study of music is one of the most effective tools to  improve learning throughout a child’s academic curriculum.  

Thank you for your consideration. To learn more about Elementary Band, please click here. To sign up for Elementary Band and request an instrument preference, please click here. Sign-ups will open on Friday morning (9/15) at 6:30 am.  

Musically yours,  

Joshua Horton, Magnolia Music Director 

Updated Band Information:
Dear Prospective Band Parent/s,
Thank you for taking a brief moment to review some important information regarding the vibrant music program within our district that could leave a lasting musical impression on your child. Magnolia Intermediate School currently offers several music electives including Concert Band, Bella Voce (Choir), Piano Studio, and Music Fundamentals. The music program is growing significantly, even since last year. For fourth and fifth grade students, the time to start could be now. In the past, Magnolia Intermediate School has offered the chance for 4th and 5th graders from Coage Hill, Alta Sierra, and Arete to participate in Elementary Band, a beginning band ensemble that meets on Magnolia’s campus. We are excited to announce that this opportunity will again be available this year, and eagerly look forward to meeting the young artists who will join this year’s class of dedicated musicians. Contrary to what many may believe, joining the music program can be quite simple and cost-effective, particularly as a result of borrowing school instruments, class instruction, and an atmosphere of cooperation. Whether or not your child has expressed interest in playing a musical instrument, please consider this opportunity; it has been found that many people are unaware of the growth potential inherent in the study of music. Arts-related subjects have a positive impact on every area of study in school, and current research confirms the study of music is one of the most effective tools to improve learning throughout a child’s academic curriculum. Thank you for your consideration. To learn more about Elementary Band, please click here . To sign up for Elementary Band and request an instrument preference, please click here . Sign-ups will open on Friday morning (9/15) at 6:30 am.
Musically yours,
Joshua Horton, Magnolia Music Director

Sunday, September 3 Update

Hello all,

What a wonderful, rainy welcome to fall weather this holiday weekend!


"I Fall For Reading" is a fun reading night for the whole family. All Arete families are invited. You are invited Wednesday, September 27, 5:30-7:00 pm to the Arete MPR for an evening of 'make & take' reading crafts and activities hosted by Ms. McAlister, Ms. Doerr, Mrs. McGough, and Mrs. Cindy followed by popcorn and cider, as we gather in the center for cozy reading time hosted by Ms. Schwartz and our Arete teachers. One of the stations will be a book exchange so please feel free to drop off nice and clean books in the library with Ms. Cindy ahead of time or bring them that night. Your family will leave that night with new to you books and several activities that promote reading. Please come and join us slumber party style with pajamas, blankets, and pillows for comfort. This is a free event for all. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A4EAAAB29A6FE3-ifallfor#/

Fall Field Trips

We are so excited to offer a new round of field trips. For the week of September 2- September 9th, you may only sign up for ONE field trip. If you sign up for more, I will delete them all, email you through Sign Up Genius so you can go back in and sign up for the ONE that you really desire. Starting September 10th, you may sign up for as many as you would like. Please pay attention to age restrictions. All field trips meet at the location and parents drive/carpool with their children. An Arete teacher will meet you there. Please watch dates closely and make note of the field trips that require prepayment for adult chaperones.


*PRSD is focusing on reducing Tech Addiction in Children and building pathways for Digital Health. Each week I will share a tidbit about this or how to to reduce screen time for kids who struggle with this.

-The “Digital Age” has hijacked three basic human drives: the need for social connection, neophilia: the need to explore and discover new things, and the need for archetypal experiences (“Hero’s Journey”, etc.).

-Resources for use about awareness regarding responsible recreational technology use:


*Our Leadership class in the Blended Middle School is requesting your input on what you would like them to work on this year. They are an awesome team of 6th-8th graders so please keep that in mind! Arete Leadership Survey

Welcome to Miss Creighton, Arete’s school counselor. Be on the lookout for all of the great things she is implementing at Arete. First up are small groups. Counselor's Corner 

*Cross Country- 4-8th Grade

There is still room on the team! Sign-ups/ Roster: Arete Google Form:



Attached below is a link to the practice and meet schedule to print/save. Just note that it can change!

4th/5th XC Practice and Meet Schedule 2023



*Want to Sign Up For the Resource Center- do so here

I sent out emails last week for families who have signed up and we are so excited to see everyone this week! 

*Fall Enrichments- Sign up here

*Want to join Arete’s Private Family Group on Facebook- do so here. Arete Charter Academy Family Group

*Want to see dates for the entire year? Click here

Dates for the 2023-2024 School Year

*September 4- Labor Day- No School

* September 5 Art Docent room 5

* September 6 Art Docent room 5

*Positive Self Talk with Madelyn from Ghidotti for 5-8th Grades

Wednesday, September 6

11:30-11:40 in room 1 with Leah’s class and Tamo’s 7th Graders.

11:45-11:55 in room 10 with Tamo’s and Murphy’s 6th and 8th graders.

*September 6 Cross Country Weimar Hills Meet 4-8th Grade @ Meadow Vista park

Fall Field Trips

We are so excited to offer a new round of field trips. For the week of September 2- September 9th, you may only sign up for ONE field trip. If you sign up for more, I will delete them all, email you through Sign Up Genius so you can go back in and sign up for the ONE that you really desire. Starting September 10th, you may sign up for as many as you would like. Please pay attention to age restrictions. All field trips meet at the location and parents drive/carpool with their children. An Arete teacher will meet you there. Please watch dates closely and make note of the field trips that require prepayment for adult chaperones.


Arete September School Counseling Newsletter

We are so excited to welcome, Miss Creighton, the school counselor to Arete. She has hit the ground sprinting and spends her time at Arete out and about in every class, at recess and lunch, and is chatting and meeting with lots of kiddos. Please see her newsletter attached. We are so excited that she will be offering three small groups for five weeks eachat Arete this fall. Please open her newsletter to get more information about all that she offers. Here is a snippet.

*September 20- Small Groups with Miss Creighton- Successful Skills (Academic): 4th - 8th grade- 9-9:30 in person, 9:30-10 Zoom- 1 of 5- email kcreighton@prsd.us to Sign Up

*September 20- Small Groups with Miss Creighton- Love Yourself (Emotional): 4th - 8th grade- 10:30-11 Zoom, 11:30-12 in person- 1 of 5- email kcreighton@prsd.us to Sign Up

 *September 21- Small Groups with Miss Creighton-Campus Connections (Social): TK - 5th grade: 9-9:30 in person, 9:30-10 Zoom- 1 of 5- email kcreighton@prsd.us to Sign Up

Tips From Ms. McAlister While You Are Waiting For Curriculum

  • Visit your local library to pick out a book for daily reading. If you have a younger student, this can mean various picture books.
  • Practice writing at your student's level (alphabet, short stories with illustrations, etc.).
  • Search YouTube Kahn Academy videos for science and math material.
  • For social studies, choose a country of your choice to research customs, language, food, geography, and traditions. 
  • If you would like to generate worksheets for your students to get a head start on work samples, visit websites such as.... https://www.k5learning.com/free-worksheets-for-kidshttps://www.education.com/https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/

Sunday, August 20 Update

Hello all,

It has been wonderful to meet new faces and see all of our friends! We loved seeing many of you at the Ice Cream Social and Family Training. What a great turn out. We are working hard at placing orders and are pretty much caught up. We are waiting for lots of families to complete enrollment folders (including correct proof of residency) so that we can order their curriculum. We are also quickly inventorying new curriculum, adding it to our tracking system and checking it out to your kiddos for the year. You have all been so patient and helpful in following the guidelines that make it much quicker and easier to process your orders.


*We continue NWEA Math and STAR Accelerated Reader Testing this week. All 2nd-8th Graders must take these district assessments three times a year. If you have not already, please sign up here. 2nd-8th Grade Fall NWEA Math and AR Reading Assessments 2022-2023

*Cross Country- 4-8th Grade

Amanda Tamo here.  We had a shift in our NCAL director for sport scheduling this year, which sort of delayed the start of sports this season.  I am planning on starting practices next week.

Please have them turn in Emergency forms by Tuesday. (posted on the Arete Edlio on Sat. 8/19 or in the front office.)

Cottage Hill/Arete 4th and 5th graders:

Practices @ CH from 2pm-3pm, Starting Wednesday, August 23rd.  Practices will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays this year. 


Magnolia/Arete 6th-8th graders:

Practices @ Magnolia from 3:15pm-4:45pm.( Arete students can arrive at 3:25 to avoid traffic from Magnolia pick-up) Starting Tuesday, August 22nd.  Practices will be held Monday-Thursday this year.  


Sign-ups/ Roster: Arete Google Form:



Our Home meet will be at Magnolia this year on Thursday, October 5th. 

Thanks so much!

Coach Tamo


From Sarah:

Cross Country is included in the price of the Blended Middle School and is $150 out of funds for other students. All students must be current on vaccines or have a valid waiver. We must have eight students to run a team.

*Want to Sign Up For the Resource Center- do so here

*Fall Enrichments- Sign up here

This will be the first Sign Up for Enrichments for the 2023-2043 School Year. There will be some classes that are single week sign ups and then some classes that are a series of classes with multiple sessions. If you sign up for a series of classes, please Do NOT sign up for additional classes that overlap. If you do so, the sign up for the individual class will be deleted. There can be no overlap of classes as Arete cannot pay for services that your child does not receive.

For ALL classes, please check your calendar to see if your kiddo is REALLY available on the days you select. For classes that are canceled by families with less than one week notice, student funds will be charged and a "to go" kit will be waiting for you in the school office. (Instructors have to buy materials in advance and other kids could attend). If a class is full and you want to be added to the waiting list, please email Sarah at [email protected].  We will try and add more sessions of the same classes if possible.  If classes do not meet the minimum number of students, they will be canceled with a week's notice and funds will be returned to the student's account. Thanks!

If your child is out of funds, Arete will delete them from the class sign up and Sign Up Genius will send you an email notifying you. Then you may refer back to the Sign Up for the email address of the instructor to make private arrangements for signing up for the class and for private payment.

If school is canceled due to weather, Enrichment classes will be rescheduled to the same day of the week if possible, but at the end of the trimester.

California law requires all students who receive classroom instruction through a school to be up to date on vaccinations or have a valid medical waiver registered with the CAIR Me website.

Blended Middle School Students use all of their funds for that program, so please email instructors to sign up and pay privately. Thanks!

Want to join Arete’s Private Family Group on Facebook- do so here. Arete Charter Academy Family Group

*Want to see dates for the entire year? Click here

Dates for the 2023-2024 School Year

*Office Hours- August 18-26

2nd-8th Grade Fall NWEA Math and AR Reading Assessments 2022-2023

-August 21

-August 24 

-August 28

*Cross Country practice starts for Arete 6-8th Grade 3:15-4:45 at Magnolia

*Cross Country practice starts for Arete 4/5th Grade 2-3om at Cottage Hill

*Start Resource Center- Aug 28- 4th-8th

and August 29- TK-3rd

*September 4- Labor Day- No School

*September 10th-12th- 20 Day Meetings- Popsicles in the Office For Everyone Who Turns EVERYTHING in during their meeting.

*September 18- Dress Like a Pirate Day- 9:05am at the Outside stage- “The Three Pirates Play” presented by the Arete Drama Club

*September 27- 5:30 Family Reading Night

*October 3 and 4- School Pictures

*October 5- Cross Country Meet at Magnolia

*October 8th-10th- 20 Day Meetings- Ice Cream Sandwiches in the Office For Everyone Who Turns EVERYTHING in during their meeting.

*Fall Break- October 16-20

*November 1- Professional Development Day for Teachers- No School

*November 14th-16th- 20 Day Meetings- Cookies and Milk in the Office For Everyone Who Turns EVERYTHING in during their meeting.

*Thanksgiving Break-November 22-24

*December 6- Arete Christmas Party- 5:30

*December 17th-19th 20 Day Meetings- Treats in the Office For Everyone Who Turns EVERYTHING in during their meeting.

*Winter Break- December 25- January 5

*February 7- 5:30 Family Math Night

*May 28- TK-3 Field Day 

*May 29- 4-8th Field Day

*June 5- 5:30pm 8th Grade Promotion


23-24 Session Dates

Session 1 8/15 - 9/12

Session 2 9/13 - 10/10

Session 3 10/11 - 11/16

Session 4 11/17 - 12/19

Session 5 12/20 - 1/31

Session 6 2/1 - 3/1

Session 7 3/2 - 4/8

Session 8 4/9 - 5/7

Session 9 5/8 - 6/6

Cross Country

Hello all,
Amanda Tamo here.  We had a shift in our NCAL director for sport scheduling this year, which sort of delayed the start of sports this season.  I am planning on starting practices next week.
Cottage Hill/Arete 4th and 5th graders:
Practices @ CH from 2pm-3pm, Starting Wednesday, August 23rd.  Practices will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays this year. 
Magnolia/Arete 6th-8th graders:
Practices @ Magnolia from 3:15pm-4:45pm.( Arete students can arrive at 3:25 to avoid traffic from Magnolia pick-up) Starting Tuesday, August 22nd.  Practices will be held Monday-Thursday this year.  Please have them turn in Emergency forms by Tuesday.
Sign-ups/ Roster: Arete Google Form:
Our Home meet will be at Magnolia this year on Thursday, October 5th. 
Thanks so much!
Coach Tamo
From Sarah:
Cross Country is included in the price of the Blended Middle School and is $150 out of funds for other students. All students must be current on vaccines or have a valid waiver. We must have eight students to run a team.

Ideas of Things to Do Until Your Curriculum Arrives

Thanks Mrs. Veblen for putting this together!
Monday, August 28 - First Day of 4-8 resource classes (9:00 - 12:00)
Tuesday, August 29 - First Day of TK-3 resource classes (9:00 - 12:00)

A complete list of events can also be found on our website:  Events | Arete Charter Academy (prsd.us)
Getting Started:
For those of you still waiting for your curriculum orders to arrive, you will need to get started by supplementing your student's education.  You may use student activity workbooks, online resources, etc.  This is a great time to get creative! 
Here is the link to our school website that has several links to access online learning activities to get started:
Here are some additional resources that might be helpful:
Perhaps you'd like to take a field trip to a local historical spot like The Empire Mine or walk the Tribute Trail.  Check out: Nevada City Things To Do - Nevada City California (nevadacitychamber.com)