Sunday, February 18 Update

Hello all,

New updates are all in bold and continuing information is in regular font. Hope that helps!

“Hello Eighth Grade Families, 

The students in our yearbook elective would like you to send a baby photo of your eighth grader to be next to their spring photos in the yearbook. We also would like to include a quote by your eighth grader to go with the pictures. Please have these sent to Nicole Tomasetti ([email protected]) by March 11th 2024. Thank you and have a great day.”

We are excited to announce that Aimee O' Brien and her team are returning to Arete again for spring photos outdoors on our beautiful campus. Please complete this form before Spring Break! Reminder that 5% of photo sales are returned to Arete to help pay for all of the fun things we do. Phonots may be used in the Arete yearbook! ALL are invited on campus for photos.

Arete Spring School Photos with Total Capture Photography

Tuesday, April 16
9:15-9:30       Walk-ins & Staff

9:30-9:50       Marina Codiga's Class (2/3)
9:50-10:10      Nicole Tomasetti's Class (TK/K)
10:10-10:30    Amber Baker/Cassie McAlister's Class (1/2)
10:30-11:30    Walk-ins & Staff

Wednesday, April 17
9:15-9:30        Walk-ins & Staff

9:30-9:50        Meredith Doerr's Class (4/5)

9:50-10:10      6th Grade BMS

10:15-10:30    7th Grade BMS

10:30-10:50    8th Grade BMS

10:50-11:10    Leah Veblen's Class (6-8th Resource)

11:15-12:00    Walk-ins & Siblings

The final day for Arete to purchase any supplies or curriculum is Friday, April 26, 2024 and all budgets and orders must be submitted by that date. Only enough materials to educate the child through June 6, 2024 will be allowed and this is to be determined by Arete. Purchases for materials to be used through the summer are not permitted.

Spring Volleyball for 6-8th Grade Girls- The season this year will run from March 4-May 2 and Coach Tamo will be back as our fearless coach. The fees are included in the Blended Middle School program or are $150 out of enrichment funds for others. State vaccination regulations apply. Please email [email protected] by Feb 19, 2024 to let me know if your kiddo will participate. Practice and game times to be announced. We must have eight players to run a team. Thanks!

Stanford REACH lab is presenting a vaping facts for parents webinar on February 20 th from 6:00-7:30. Register HERE

Guest Chef with Susan- Tuesday, March 12 and Wednesday, March 13 students at the Arete Resource Center will be participating in a Guest Chef cooking experience. Families of students who do not attend that are invited for a cooking night on Wednesday, March 13 from 5:30-6:30 with Chef Susan. We will be working together to make Spring Plant Based Sushi.

Parents! Please sign up ONE spot for EVERY Arete student and parent attending. (That means if one kid is going, you need to sign up for two spots for the parent and kiddo. We can have 30 people TOTAL. Please note only one parent will be able to attend! Please email me at [email protected] to be on the waiting list. Please do not sign up if you think you are going to cancel at the last minute as that will take a spot from someone who can attend. Sierra Harvest Guest Chef with Susan Gouveia

You're invited to Arete’s Craft Fair!! Friday April 26th, 2024 from 12:30-1:30pm. Arete current and former families and students will be selling crafts that they made. There will be a raffle at 1:30pm, and you can buy raffle tickets for $1 each. This is a fundraiser for our school. We will have an area where you can put donations for our school. For example library books, craft supplies, food and bedding for the chickens, playground toys for the younger kids etc…. We hope that you can come join us!! If you would like to sign up, and sell things at this craft fair please sign up here.

Read A Thon Forms 2024 We are so excited to announce our Read-A-Thon is off to a great start with kids already excited to read around the world. Red reading passports are available in the front office to document reading time. There are prizes for reading enough minutes to reach the next country. 20% of funds raised by getting sponsors to support student reading minutes are given in Book Bucks to be spent at the book fair. (This is our ONLY fundraiser of the year). Click the link for more information. Read-a-Thon Documents Mark your calendars for our 4th! Scholastic Book Fair April 3-10th!  Reminder that all students who earn a prize will also receive a raffle ticket for a chance to win one of $50 gift cards sponsored by the Lion’s Club!

*Intent to Return- I've invited you to fill out a form to let us know if we should reserve a spot for your child at Arete next year or not. Thanks! Intent to Return

*Square One Art- We are so excited to offer this opportunity again. We do not really make any money on it, but it is a wonderful way to get your children’s art on all sorts of projects. Click here to get more information. Our awesome Art Docent teacher filmed instructional videos that kiddos can follow along from home. The special paper needed and many product samples are available in the vestibule at Arete. You also can submit the special paper with any art that your kiddos create.

Art Due: March 6th @ 10:30 am in the Arete office

Order forms arrive: around 04/05/24 (You will receive a personalized flier with your child’s artwork on the samples so you can see what it looks like.

Your final deadline to order online is: 04/19/24

We always hope to have the orders arrive before Mother’s Day as they make great and personalized gifts.

PRSD is so excited that Arete is hosting our Student Showcase that they are holding a board meeting at Arete in April to tour our students' awesome displays. 

*April 9 and 10 Arete Student Showcase- Similar to our STEAM Showcase last year- we are inviting ALL students to display projects they work on during the year. Please drop off projects on April 4, 5, or 7 for us to create the display. Then come back on April 9/10 at 9am to stand by your project. Classes and other interested adults are invited to view the displays starting at 9:15. We are telling you now so you can save projects you can complete during the year. Projects can be submitted by any Arete student!

*Our Leadership class in the Blended Middle School is requesting your input on what you would like them to work on this year. They are an awesome team of 6th-8th graders so please keep that in mind! Arete Leadership Survey

*Want to Sign Up For the Resource Center- do so here

2nd-8th Grade Spring NWEA Math and AR Reading Assessments 2023-2024

Practice CAASPP Testing Sign Up February Dates added.

*Winter Enrichments- Sign up here

Spring Enrichments 2024 March through May

*Spring Testing- Sign up here

*2023-2024 Field Trips- Sign up here

*Have Photos For the Yearbook? Email to [email protected]

Want to join Arete’s Private Family Group on Facebook- do so here. Arete Charter Academy Family Group

Remember to email Sarah at [email protected] a few days before a kiddos’ birthday if you want to send in treats so I can check for food allergies. Nuts are never allowed, but some individual classes have food allergies that I also monitor closely. Thanks for keeping our students safe. We also strongly encourage healthier treats if possible as some families closely monitor their kiddos’ sugar and food dye intake.

Please remember that we are a NUT FREE school as we have several students with severe nut allergies. Kiddos may enjoy nut free granola bars and spreads on their sandwiches and all the nut free favorites when away from Arete. Thanks!

*Want to see dates for the entire year? Click here

Dates for the 2023-2024 School Year

*February 16 & 19 Presidents’ Day- school is not in session

*February 20- STEAM  12:15-1:30

*February 21 Little Fish Arts Embroidery 12:15-1:15

*February 22- 2/3 Garden 11:20-11:50

*February 22 Little Fish Arts Embroidery 12:15-1:15

*February 23 Art Class Magic Ball 10:30-11:30

*February 23 Friday Fun 11:30-12:30