20 Day Meetings and Binders
What do I need to turn in at 20 Day Meetings?
At a minimum, at least two samples from each subject (English, Math, Science, and Social Studies) should be presented at your 20-day meetings.-Please bring all student work from the 20 days of instruction to showcase, and the Educational Advisor will choose two samples for each subject from what is provided.This way the team has a real picture of the progress your child is making.
-All samples must have one sentence per grade level. K students can label with letters and words or dictate to parents. 8th grade must have EIGHT sentences, etc.
-Math samples should have at least eight problems or more (we understand this will look different from kinder than 8th grade).
-Samples should be two separate samples and not a second page of the same sample.
-First grade on up should be in the kiddos own writing, unless they have an IEP in which case, start expecting that by 3rd-4th grade.