Arete Charter Academy » Posts


Thanks to our awesome librarian, Mrs. Kate, for creating this awesome Winter Break Bingo game. Please return bingo cards by Thursday, January 9 for prizes!
Please let me know if you are interested in attending this field trip and I will reserve a few spots. The Center for the Arts is so excited to be able to extend our free student matinee program that has already been running for 2 years. We are offering Shakespeare in March, a Midsummer Night's Dream, which is going to be amazing! It's March 27th @ 10:00. It is really geared for ages 5th-8th grade. Other siblings are not allowed. Thanks so much!

Sunday, December 15 Update

Hello families,

THIS Wednesday and Thursday we are having our annual Christmas party for students. Instead of Winter Holiday Around the World stations, like we have done in the past, we are having an ice skating party. We bought piles of fake snow and students will wear jammies and socks and skating around our improvised ice rink in the MPR while enjoying hot cocoa (and a visit with Santa on Thursday). We are still in need of a few items. Please sign up if you are able to help. Thanks!

Arete Christmas Celebrations

For Wednesday, we need whipped cream and two parents to help make hot cocoa.
For Thursday, we need two gallons of chocolate milk (we have an extra crockpot if someone wants to sign up for dairy free hot cocoa), one parent to help make cocoa, and we need 25 frosted/decorated sugar cookies for our Blended Middle School kids in the afternoon. Please sign up on the link or email me if you can help!


Winter Dress Up Days-

December 16th and 17th- Christmas Day (Santa hats and light up necklaces, etc)

December 18th and 19th- PJ Days


This week continues our 4th round of 20 Day Meetings. Reminder that ALL logs and work samples must be turned in to your EA DURING the meeting to earn a ticket. Tickets can be redeemed in the front office on December 13-18. This month is 100% organic fruit snacks. If you did not earn your Arete water bottle last month, we have it waiting in the front office for you to earn this month. 

Grade Level Writing Packets

Each year students are building upon three writing genres.  Our next genre of focus is Informative Writing.  We will be sending home Informational Writing packets to be used as a resource and tool in teaching this very important writing genre.  Each packet contains student writing examples, all grade checklists, graphic organizers, simple lesson plans, and a grading rubric. Please see your Educational Advisors to pick up a packet and see how you can incorporate it into your lessons at home. 


November SEL Lesson

In November’s SEL lesson, students will explore healthy defense mechanisms to cope with stress, manage their emotions, and navigate challenging situations. As part of the lesson, they will reflect on their responses to adversity and identify positive choices they can make when faced with difficulties. Each student will write their “Positive Choice” on a shield, which will be displayed on our community wall. This activity fosters self-awareness and encourages students to recognize and embrace constructive strategies for managing tough moments.

November's SEL Lesson Plans

Shield Needed for the Lesson



One of the lovely things Arete homeschool parents do is limit their children’s screen time. We wholeheartedly agree. One time this becomes a little  tricky is when kiddos need to type. Typing/ keyboarding is a skill they will need in life, school, and on assessments. In comprehensive schools, students usually start typing practice in second grade for 20 minutes about two-three times a week. There are websites that make this fun and easy for kids and families. Please consider checking out one of these programs to support your kiddos in this area.  Please email Carrie at [email protected] if you need assistance.

Typing Pal

Dance Mat Typing

Ed Club  

Learn to Type With Me  



We are a NUT FREE campus. Please save nut snacks for while at home. Also, we have some other class specific allergies, so please email Sarah and the classroom teacher BEFORE bringing in birthday treats.  We are also working towards a healthier campus and encourage snacks/treats that align with that. Low and zero waste items are preferred.


Important Sign Ups:

Arete Field Trips 2024-2025

Winter Enrichments 2024-2025

Second Trimester Academic Enrichment Class- 1st-6th Grades for 2024-2025

Trimester Two Arete Piano Sign Up (There is a waiting list, please sign up to be added to the waiting list.)

Arete Planning for the 2024-2025 School Year

Arete Charter Academy Blended Middle School (5-8th Grades)24/25

Want to join Arete’s Private Family Group on Facebook- do so here. Arete Charter Academy Family Group

A week’s worth of dates will be posted at the bottom and a list of Important Dates (along with other important sign ups) is on 

Dates for the 2024-2025 School Year

*December 16-18- Mandarins May Be Picked Up From Arete (Possible Weather Delay)

*December 16 & 17- Christmas Day  (Santa hats and light up necklaces, etc)

*December 17 Resource Center Visits the Garden

*December 18 & 19- PJ Dress Up Day

*December 18 Resource Center Visits the Garden

*December 19- 11:15-12:45 Nevada County Nutcracker @ Don Bagget Theatre 

*December 19- Art Class with Friends 12:15-1:15pm 

*December 19- Fun Friday 1:15-2:15pm (Date and time change)

*December 20 Gingerbread with Meredith Doerr 9-10:30

*December 20 Botanical Home Workshop 11-12

*December 20 Culinary Adventures 12-1:30

*December 23- January 3-  Winter Break- No School


The rain this morning and the forecast for the next four days will be making it extremely difficult to harvest.  Mandarins are particularly sensitive to moisture and cannot be harvested wet. 

We may be unable to deliver Monday morning and may need to move delivery until Wednesday morning.



Spirit Day, sweater day
Tomorrow is a spirit day! Get ready to show your spirit! It's time to get out  your favorite holiday sweater.  Pretty, ugly or pretty ugly,  we will take them all!

Arete Christmas Celebrations

NEXT Wednesday and Thursday we are having our annual Christmas party for students. Instead of Winter Holiday Around the World stations, like we have done in the past, we are having an ice skating party. We bought piles of fake snow and students will wear jammies and socks and skating around our improvised ice rink in the MPR while enjoying hot cocoa (and a visit with Santa on Thursday). We are still in need of a few items. Please sign up if you are able to help. Thanks!

California Healthy Kids Survey

California Healthy Kids Surveys are used to make goals for our school for the upcoming school year. Parents, staff, and 5-8th graders are invited to participate. Please complete the parent survey here by December 13. We have had 36 families our of 144 complete them, which is almost 25%. We would love closer to 50%. Please take a few minutes and complete this survey. If you do and pop in and tell me, I have some yummy chocolate for you!

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Hello families,

California Healthy Kids Surveys are used to make goals for our school for the upcoming school year. Parents, staff, and 5-8th graders are invited to participate. Please complete the parent survey  here by December 13. Thanks so much!


Winter Dress Up Days-

December 12th- Ugly Sweater Day

December 16th and 17th- Christmas Day  (Santa hats and light up necklaces, etc)

December 18th and 19th- PJ Days


This week starts our 4th round of 20 Day Meetings. Reminder that ALL logs and work samples must be turned in to your EA DURING the meeting to earn a ticket. Tickets can be redeemed in the front office on December 13-18. This month is 100% organic fruit snacks. If you did not earn your Arete water bottle last month, we have it waiting in the front office for you to earn this month. 

Grade Level Writing Packets

Each year students are building upon three writing genres.  Our next genre of focus is Informative Writing.  We will be sending home Informational Writing packets to be used as a resource and tool in teaching this very important writing genre.  Each packet contains student writing examples, all grade checklists, graphic organizers, simple lesson plans, and a grading rubric. Please see your Educational Advisors to pick up a packet and see how you can incorporate it into your lessons at home. 



November SEL Lesson

In November’s SEL lesson, students will explore healthy defense mechanisms to cope with stress, manage their emotions, and navigate challenging situations. As part of the lesson, they will reflect on their responses to adversity and identify positive choices they can make when faced with difficulties. Each student will write their “Positive Choice” on a shield, which will be displayed on our community wall. This activity fosters self-awareness and encourages students to recognize and embrace constructive strategies for managing tough moments.

November's SEL Lesson Plans

Shield Needed for the Lesson



We are a NUT FREE campus. Please save nut snacks for while at home. Also, we have some other class specific allergies, so please email Sarah and the classroom teacher BEFORE bringing in birthday treats.  We are also working towards a healthier campus and encourage snacks/treats that align with that. Low and zero waste items are preferred.


Important Sign Ups:

Arete Field Trips 2024-2025

Winter Enrichments 2024-2025

Second Trimester Academic Enrichment Class- 1st-6th Grades for 2024-2025

Trimester Two Arete Piano Sign Up (There is a waiting list, please sign up to be added to the waiting list.)

Arete Planning for the 2024-2025 School Year

Arete Charter Academy Blended Middle School (5-8th Grades)24/25

Want to join Arete’s Private Family Group on Facebook- do so here. Arete Charter Academy Family Group

A week’s worth of dates will be posted at the bottom and a list of Important Dates (along with other important sign ups) is on 

Dates for the 2024-2025 School Year

*December 9 Cookie Science 12:15-1:30

*December 10  Cookie Science 12:15-1:30

*December 11 Lighted Bottle 12:15-1:15

*December 12 Lighted Bottle 12:15-1:15

*December 12- Ugly Sweater Dress Up Day

*December 12- Office closed from 2:15-3:15 for Staff Event

*December 13- Gingerbread Houses 9-10:30am

*December 13- Art Class with Friends 1:30-2:30pm 

*December 13- Fun Friday 2:30-3:30pm

Mandarin order forms are due by Friday December 6th.  You have 2 ways to turn them in:
1. In-person at the admin office (or Christmas Party on Thursday!) you can turn in/ fill out your form and pay via check, cash, or Paypal -
2. Via email to [email protected]  - please include your name, number of bags, and phone number.  You can pay via:
- Venmo - @Aretecharteracademy 
Mandarin facts:
- orders due Friday Dec 6th
- each 10lb bag costs $20 (same price as the farmer's market!)
- Arete earns 40% of the proceeds!!
- pick up at Arete Monday Dec 16 - Wednesday Dec 18
- from Snow's Citrus farm, a family run sustainable farm
- Owari Satsuma Mandarins are sweet, healthy, delicious, and make great gifts

Arete Yearbook

Greetings Homeschool Families! 

The Yearbook team is inviting you to share any photos you or your family have taken to be sent to us if you believe that they would be a good fit for the 2024-2025 yearbook. The photos can be of projects, events, field trips, or whatever you can think of that you believe should be remembered! If you have any submissions, send photos to '[email protected]'. Please put' Yearbook Photos' in the subject line.
Thank you for the contributions,
-Yearbook Team

Arete Survey

California Healthy Kids Surveys are used to make goals for our school for the upcoming school year. Parents, staff, and 5-8th graders are invited to participate. Please complete the parent survey [here]( by December 13. We have had 26 families our of 144 complete them, which is almost 19%. We would love closer to 50%. Please take a few minutes and complete this survey. If you do and pop in and tell me, I have some yummy chocolate for you!

Mandarin Sales

Mandarin order forms are due by Friday December 6th.  You have 2 ways to turn them in:
1. In-person at the admin office (or Christmas Party on Thursday!) you can turn in/ fill out your form and pay via check, cash, or Paypal -
2. Via email to [email protected]  - please include your name, number of bags, and phone number.  You can pay via:
- Venmo - @Aretecharteracademy 
Mandarin facts:
- orders due Friday Dec 6th
- each 10lb bag costs $20 (same price as the farmer's market!)
- Arete earns 40% of the proceeds!!
- pick up at Arete Monday Dec 16 - Wednesday Dec 18
- from Snow's Citrus farm, a family run sustainable farm
- Owari Satsuma Mandarins are sweet, healthy, delicious, and make great gifts