Arete Charter Academy » Posts


Community Resources in Nevada County

Hello and Happy New Year!
Attached, you’ll find the January 2025 edition of the NCSOS Homeless Education Newsletter.
Additionally, I’ve included the 2025 Food Distribution Calendars from the Interfaith Food Ministry and the Food Bank of Nevada County. Please feel free to share these calendars, as they may be helpful to someone in need. Both organizations allow for one food pickup per week, so it’s a good idea to alternate between them to ensure access to food each week. Please note that the Interfaith Food Ministry now requires reservations on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between 10-11 a.m.

6-8th Grade Wrestling- Boys and Girls

Magnolia is hosting a wrestling team this year and Arete students are invited to practice with Magnolia and then wrestle under Arete Charter Academy. Pleas elet me know if your child is interested. Vaccinations are required.


Magnolia's Wrestling Team practices in the B2 Mat Room on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 - 5 p.m. Questions? Email Coach Georgeson: [email protected]

Mandarin Update

From Arete Parent Crew (APC) leader, Cody Voellinger...
Thanks everyone for closing out 2024 with a great effort for our first ever Mandarin fundraiser. The totals are in- Arete families sold a total of 101 bags of Mandarins which raised $808 for Arete!
Special shoutout to the Kopp family for getting the word out to their family and community and selling 20 bags of Mandarins! Hazel and Olive Kopp are our 2024 Mandarin Champions and will have their name enshrined on a trophy and will also each receive a free Arete T-Shirt - your opportunity to get a t-shirt is coming soon

Sunday, January 12 Update

Hello families,

Every year, students in grades 3-8 complete CAASPP testing in the spring.  CAASPP testing results are reported to the state and we use the results of these tests to help keep our charter open. We are looking to show growth each year. Many families have questions about how to help their children practice and prepare, and this night is for you!  Please join us for a welcome dinner from 5:00 - 5:30 followed by an informative session and training from 5:30 - 6:30. Bring your questions and a charged chromebook if you have one (chromebooks can also be checked out to families during the event).  We will go over basic testing information, answer questions, and complete practice test walk-throughs to help your family learn about the CAASPP testing platform and how your children can practice at home.  This is a great opportunity for both confident tester and students who struggle with testing anxiety. Also very helpful for students in the Blended Middle School Program! You don't want to miss this important event! We will be handing out raffle prizes to attendees! CAASPP Parent and Student Night 3-8th Grades


2nd-8th Grade Spring NWEA Math and AR Reading Assessments 2024-2025

Feel free to ignore this if you only have TK/K/1 or a Blended Middle School kiddo. It's that time to start scheduling the final round of NWEA Math and Accelerated Reader Testing for the 2024-2025 school year. Reminder that all testing will be completed in person and is mandatory. (CAASP Testing is on the State schedule for May). Second-Eighth Grade students will still need to take the STAR AR test and the NWEA Math test. 

Testing sessions will be offered on Monday, March 3, Thursday, March 6,  Friday, March 7, Monday, March 10, Thursday, March 14, and Monday, March 17.

If you have a busy schedule, please sign up early.  We only have ONE Friday testing day, so if you need that PLEASE book early. Sign up here.


SEL Corner- The December/January's SEL lesson introduces students to the power of positive affirmations as a way to build self-esteem, resilience, and a supportive classroom community. Through creating a Positive Affirmation Jar, students will learn how kind and encouraging words can boost their confidence, help them manage challenges, and strengthen connections with their peers. By the end of the lesson, students will have a practical tool to promote positivity and emotional well-being in their daily lives. file:///Users/sarahschwartz/Desktop/DECEMBER_JANUARY_%20SEL%20Counseling%20Lesson.pdf



We are a NUT FREE campus. Please save nut snacks for while at home. Also, we have some other class specific allergies, so please email Sarah and the classroom teacher BEFORE bringing in birthday treats.  We are also working towards a healthier campus and encourage snacks/treats that align with that. Low and zero waste items are preferred.


Important Sign Ups:

CAASPP Parent and Student Night 3-8th Grades

2nd-8th Grade Spring NWEA Math and AR Reading Assessments 2024-2025

Arete Field Trips 2024-2025

Winter Enrichments 2024-2025

Second Trimester Academic Enrichment Class- 1st-6th Grades for 2024-2025

Trimester Two Arete Piano Sign Up (There is a waiting list, please sign up to be added to the waiting list.)

Arete Planning for the 2024-2025 School Year

Arete Charter Academy Blended Middle School (5-8th Grades)24/25

Want to join Arete’s Private Family Group on Facebook- do so here. Arete Charter Academy Family Group

A week’s worth of dates will be posted at the bottom and a list of Important Dates (along with other important sign ups) is on 

Dates for the 2024-2025 School Year

*January 13- Steam 12:15-1:30

*January 14- Steam 12:15-1:30

*January 15- Mid Trimester Ends

*January 15- 7/8th Grade Sexual Health Education 9:30-10:45

*January 15- 5/6th Grade Girls- Health Education 9:30-10:30

*January 16- Animal Assisted Learning at Rise Ranch 3-4:30

*January 16- Sami’s Circuit Family Night on Zoom- 6pm

*January 17- Botanical Home Workshop w/Meredith Doerr 11-12

*January 17 Culinary Adventures 12-1:30

*January 17- Art Class with Friends 1:30-2:30pm 

*January 17- Fun Friday 2:30-3:30pm

*January 20- MLK Day- No School

2nd-8th Grade Spring NWEA Math and AR Reading Assessments

Feel free to ignore this if you only have TK/K/1 or a Blended Middle School kiddo. We are noticing that there seems to be a correlation between how long students spend on the tests and whether or not students show growth on the tests. Starting with this testing session and moving forward, students will take the NWEA Math test from 9:15-10:30. They will be encouraged to take their time, try their best and work out their problems on paper before they enter them into the computer. If they finish before the 10:30 snack break, they may read a book they brought from home or work on lessons they brought from home. At 10:30, students will have a 20 minute snack/recess break. When they return from the break, they may finish the math test if they need to or may start on the STAR Accelerated Reader test. They will be encouraged to take their time and try their best. If they finish early, they may read a book they brought from home or work on lessons they brought from home. At 12pm, all students will head out to the front of the school to be picked up by parents. This will give students the opportunity to show all they have learned and to not feel rushed or disrupted by students moving into and out of the classroom.

It's that time to start scheduling the final round of NWEA Math and Accelerated Reader Testing for the 2024-2025 school year. Reminder that all testing will be completed in person this year and is mandatory. (CAASP Testing is on the State schedule for May). Second-Eighth Grade will still need to take the STAR AR test and the NWEA Math test. Second and Third Grade's EA's will also give the Dibels Screener during their 20 Day Meeting or Resource Center time in March).

Testing sessions will be offered on Monday, March 3, Thursday, March 6,  Friday, March 7, Monday, March 10, Thursday, March 14, and Monday, March 17.

If you have a busy schedule, please sign up early.  We only have ONE Friday testing day, so if you need that PLEASE book early. If your child has an Arete Chromebook checked out to them, please charge and have them bring it with them.  If they need to check one out from us, please add that they will need one in the comment section next to their name and we will have one waiting for them with their name on it in the front office.If they need to check one out from us, please come 10 minutes early to check it out so the kiddos can be logged in and ready when the testing session starts.

ALL 2-8th grade parents should sign their kiddos up for one of the testing slots. Only the Blended Middle School will complete these assessments during their regular resource center time. As always, please email [email protected] with questions! Thanks!



The December/January's SEL lesson introduces students to the power of positive affirmations as a way to build self-esteem, resilience, and a supportive classroom community. Through creating a Positive Affirmation Jar, students will learn how kind and encouraging words can boost their confidence, help them manage challenges, and strengthen connections with their peers. By the end of the lesson, students will have a practical tool to promote positivity and emotional well-being in their daily lives.
Elise Shepherd writing tournament winner
Thirty-three 7th and 8th grade students from eleven local schools competed in the countywide
Writing Tournament, held in the Stone Hall at the Miners Foundry, on January 8, 2025.
Congratulations to Elise Shepard on her FIRST place finish in the Creative Writing Category!  Students wrote stories in response to the prompt: “Wait. Say that again?”
(Pictured fourth from the right)
8th Grade:
1st Place: Elise Shepard, Arete

Arete was recognized by  Nevada County Superintendent of Schools (NCSOS) for the improvement made last year in our reading and math test scores. great job everybody!

CAASPP Parent and Student Night 3-8th Grades

Every year, students in grades 3-8 complete CAASPP testing in the spring.  CAASPP testing results are reported to the state and we use the results of these tests to help keep our charter open. We are looking to show growth each year. Many families have questions about how to help their children practice and prepare, and this night is for you!  Please join us for a welcome dinner from 5:00 - 5:30 followed by an informative session and training from 5:30 - 6:30. Bring your questions and a charged chromebook if you have one (chromebooks can also be checked out to families during the event).  We will go over basic testing information, answer questions, and complete practice test walk-throughs to help your family learn about the CAASPP testing platform and how your children can practice at home.  This is a great opportunity for both confident tester and students who struggle with testing anxiety. Also very helpful for students in the Blended Middle School Program! You don't want to miss this important event! We will be handing out raffle prizes to attendees!

Sunday, January 5 Update (Sending early as I'll be traveling that day)

Hello families,

Hope you had a wonderful break and holidays. Happy New Year!

*February 5 - We will be hosting a Bear River High School Presentation for 8th Grade students and interested parents 9:15-9:45 in Room 13.

*February 12 - We will be hosting a Bitney Prep High School Presentation for 6-8th Grade students and interested parents 9:15-9:45 in Room 15.

*February 17 - We will be hosting a Sierra Academy of Expeditionary Learning Presentation for 6-8th Grade students and interested parents 9:15-9:45 in Room 15.


One of the lovely things Arete homeschool parents do is limit their children’s screen time. We wholeheartedly agree. One time this becomes a little  tricky is when kiddos need to type. Typing/ keyboarding is a skill they will need in life, school, and on assessments. In comprehensive schools, students usually start typing practice in second grade for 20 minutes about two-three times a week. There are websites that make this fun and easy for kids and families. Please consider checking out one of these programs to support your kiddos in this area.  Please email Carrie at [email protected] if you need assistance.

Typing Pal

Dance Mat Typing

Ed Club  

Learn to Type With Me  


*Please email Sheila at [email protected] if you would like to order free/reduced breakfast or lunch this year.


We are a NUT FREE campus. Please save nut snacks for while at home. Also, we have some other class specific allergies, so please email Sarah and the classroom teacher BEFORE bringing in birthday treats.  We are also working towards a healthier campus and encourage snacks/treats that align with that. Low and zero waste items are preferred.


Important Sign Ups:

Arete Field Trips 2024-2025

Winter Enrichments 2024-2025

Second Trimester Academic Enrichment Class- 1st-6th Grades for 2024-2025

Trimester Two Arete Piano Sign Up (There is a waiting list, please sign up to be added to the waiting list.)

Arete Planning for the 2024-2025 School Year

Arete Charter Academy Blended Middle School (5-8th Grades)24/25

Want to join Arete’s Private Family Group on Facebook- do so here. Arete Charter Academy Family Group

A week’s worth of dates will be posted at the bottom and a list of Important Dates (along with other important sign ups) is on 

Dates for the 2024-2025 School Year

*January 6- Cookie Science 12:15-1:30

*January 7- Cookie Science 12:15-1:30

*January 8- 7/8th Grade Sexual Health Education 9:30-10:45

*January 8- Sculpture Class Part 1 of 2 12:15-1:15

*January 8- 5/6th Grade Boys- Health Education 9:30-10:30

*January 9- Sculpture Class Part 1 of 2 12:15-1:15

*January 10- Art Class with Friends 1:30-2:30pm 

*January 10- Fun Friday 2:30-3:30pm