Arete Charter Academy » Posts


Sunday, December 3 Update

Hello families,

Reminder that our Family Christmas Partyis open to ALL Arete Families! On Thursday December 5 from 4:30 to 5:20 AND 5:30-6:20pm we are inviting families to come join in a Christmas craft together (painting a winter design on a decorative paint brush) while we listen to Christmas music and enjoy potluck snack/treats. Arete will provide apple juice, cups, plates and silverware. Please bring a potluck dish (we are a NUT FREE campus) to share. It is helpful if you arrive on time as it is a quick moving and fun filled event! Please give at least 24 hours for any cancellations. All families are invited as this is an evening event open to the community.


Reminder that Thursday is the last day to turn in order sheets to sell mandarins for a fundraiser for Arete. Each 10# bag sells for $20 and $8 is earned by Arete for student events and needs. Order forms and payment in check to PRSD or exact cash are due on Thursday, December 5. Mandarins should be picked up in the Arete office between December 16-18.


*December 4- We will be hosting a Ghidotti High School Presentation for 6-8th Grade students and interested parents 9:15-9:45 in Room 15.

*February 12 - We will be hosting a Bitney Prep High School Presentation for 6-8th Grade students and interested parents 9:15-9:45 in Room 15.


Winter Dress Up Days-

December 12th- Ugly Sweater Day

December 16th and 17th- Christmas Day  (Santa hats and light up necklaces, etc)

December 18th and 19th- PJ Days


Reminder that we continue and complete Winter NWEA/STAR AR Testing this week. All kiddos must test by Friday. Notice that we have the start time a few minutes later than the Resource Center so that the office and parking lot are not so busy at the same time! If you signed up for a Chromebook, there will be one waiting for you in the front office with your kiddos’ name on it.

Kids should bring a water bottle, snack, and school work or a book to use when they are completed. We will walk them down to meet you in the front of the school at 12pm. They will take the math test before a snack/recess break and then take the reading test. We want them to go slowly and try their best and show all of the great stuff they have learned!

In case you need to reschedule your testing…

2nd-8th Grade Winter NWEA Math and AR Reading Assessments 2024-25



California Healthy Kids Surveys are used to make goals for our school for the upcoming school year. Parents, staff, and 5-8th graders are invited to participate. Please complete the parent survey  here by December 13. Thanks so much!


November SEL Lesson

In November’s SEL lesson, students will explore healthy defense mechanisms to cope with stress, manage their emotions, and navigate challenging situations. As part of the lesson, they will reflect on their responses to adversity and identify positive choices they can make when faced with difficulties. Each student will write their “Positive Choice” on a shield, which will be displayed on our community wall. This activity fosters self-awareness and encourages students to recognize and embrace constructive strategies for managing tough moments.

November's SEL Lesson Plans

Shield Needed for the Lesson


We are a NUT FREE campus. Please save nut snacks for while at home. Also, we have some other class specific allergies, so please email Sarah and the classroom teacher BEFORE bringing in birthday treats.  We are also working towards a healthier campus and encourage snacks/treats that align with that. Low and zero waste items are preferred.


Important Sign Ups:

2nd-8th Grade Winter NWEA Math and AR Reading Assessments 2024-25

Arete Field Trips 2024-2025

Winter Enrichments 2024-2025

Second Trimester Academic Enrichment Class- 1st-6th Grades for 2024-2025

Trimester Two Arete Piano Sign Up (There is a waiting list, please sign up to be added to the waiting list.)

Arete Planning for the 2024-2025 School Year

Arete Charter Academy Blended Middle School (5-8th Grades)24/25

Want to join Arete’s Private Family Group on Facebook- do so here. Arete Charter Academy Family Group

A week’s worth of dates will be posted at the bottom and a list of Important Dates (along with other important sign ups) is on 

Dates for the 2024-2025 School Year

*December 2- Winter NWEA & STAR AR Assessments 9:15-12pm  

*December 3 Resource Center Visits the Garden

*December 4 Resource Center Visits the Garden

*December 4- Ghidotti Presentation for 6-8th Grade 9:15-9:45 Room 15

*December 5- Make and Take Home Dinners 12:15-1:30pm

*December 5- Snack Cooking Class 1:30-2:15pm 

*December 5- Arete Christmas Party 4:30-5:20 and 5:30-6:20

*December 5- Mandarin Sales End

*December 6- Winter NWEA & STAR AR Assessments 9:15-12pm  

*December 6- Art Class with Friends 1:30-2:30pm 

*December 6- Fun Friday 2:30-3:30pm

November SEL Lesson

In November’s SEL lesson, students will explore healthy defense mechanisms to cope with stress, manage their emotions, and navigate challenging situations. As part of the lesson, they will reflect on their responses to adversity and identify positive choices they can make when faced with difficulties. Each student will write their “Positive Choice” on a shield, which will be displayed on our community wall. This activity fosters self-awareness and encourages students to recognize and embrace constructive strategies for managing tough moments.
Nutcracker Payment Due Date 12/6/2024

The Nevada County Nutcracker-TK-8th Grade Thursday, December 19, 11:15-12:45. The Performances are at NUHS Don Baggett Theatre. Meet out front at 11am. 

This presentation is put on by Center Stage Dance Studio. Arete will pre-pay for students. All parents and non-Arete siblings will $5. and This fee MUST be paid on Mealtime or in exact cash/check at the Arete front office by Friday, December 6, 2024.

Sunday, November 24 Update

Hello families,

*December 4- We will be hosting a Ghidotti High School Presentation for 6-8th Grade students and interested parents 9:15-9:45 in Room 15.


Winter Dress Up Days-

December 12th- Ugly Sweater Day

December 16th and 17th- Christmas Day  (Santa hats and light up necklaces, etc)

December 18th and 19th- PJ Days


Reminder that we continue Winter NWEA/STAR AR Testing tomorrow. Notice that we have the start time a few minutes later than the Resource Center so that the office and parking lot are not so busy at the same time! If you signed up for a Chromebook, there will be one waiting for you in the front office with your kiddos’ name on it.

Kids should bring a water bottle, snack, and school work or a book to use when they are completed. We will walk them down to meet you in the front of the school at 12pm. They will take the math test before a snack/recess break and then take the reading test. We want them to go slowly and try their best and show all of the great stuff they have learned!

In case you need to reschedule your testing…

2nd-8th Grade Winter NWEA Math and AR Reading Assessments 2024-25


We are partnering with Snow Citrus to sell mandarins for a fundraiser for Arete. Each 10# bag sells for $20 and $8 is earned by Arete for student events and needs. Thanks to Mary in the front office, and Arete parents, Rachel Chaddock and Cody Voellinger for organizing. We will pass the attached fliers out to Resource Center classes, at 20 day meetings, you may pick one up at the front office or print one. Order forms and payment in check to PRSD or exact cash are due on Thursday, December 5. Mandarins should be picked up in the Arete office on December 16-18.


Arete Christmas Celebrations

We are so excited to announce our Family Christmas Party! This is one of my favorite nights of the year and it is BACK!! This community event is open to ALL Arete Families! On Thursday December 5 from 4:30 to 5:20 AND 5:30-6:20pm we are inviting families to come join in a Christmas craft together (painting a winter design on a decorative paint brush) while we listen to Christmas music and enjoy potluck snack/treats. Local artist, Susie Bell, will be leading our painting activity! Arete will provide juice and paper products and we are asking families to please bring a food item to share.When you sign up, please select ONE slot for each person 2+ who wants to paint an art project. If slots fill up and you still want to attend, please email me to be added to the waiting list. Please give at least 24 hours for any cancellations. All families are invited as this is an evening event open to the community.

In addition, we are planning our Arete Resource Center Pajama Ice Skating Party. This event promises to be lots of fun and we will need some help with family volunteers and supplies. This was a tradition at the original Pleasant Ridge School and we are bringing it back. We are building a mini ice skating rink in the MPR, bringing in fake snow and students will skate around on paper plates. 

The 4-8th Hybrid Resource Center Party with Ms. Doerr and Mrs. Veblen AND the BMS Party will be Wednesday, December 18 from 11:15-11:55.

Ms. Tomasetti's, Ms. McAlister, and Mrs. Codiga's Resource Center Party will be Thursday, December 19 from 11:15-11:55. SANTA WILL BE HERE THURSDAY FROM 11:15-11:55 FOR CHRISTMAS PICTURES. 

The Blended Middle School will also have a special craft project with Susie Bell on Thursday, December 19 from 1:15-2pm.

Please review the slots carefully to see how you can help! Don't forget to wear your jammies!! Students must meet state mandated vaccine requirements to attend this event.

Arete Christmas Celebrations


California Healthy Kids Surveys are used to make goals for our school for the upcoming school year. Parents, staff, and 5-8th graders are invited to participate. Please complete the parent survey  here by December 13. Thanks so much!



One of the lovely things Arete homeschool parents do is limit their children’s screen time. We wholeheartedly agree. One time this becomes a little  tricky is when kiddos need to type. Typing/ keyboarding is a skill they will need in life, school, and on assessments. In comprehensive schools, students usually start typing practice in second grade for 20 minutes about two-three times a week. There are websites that make this fun and easy for kids and families. Please consider checking out one of these programs to support your kiddos in this area.  Please email Carrie at [email protected] if you need assistance.

Typing Pal

Dance Mat Typing

Ed Club  

Learn to Type With Me  


We are a NUT FREE campus. Please save nut snacks for while at home. Also, we have some other class specific allergies, so please email Sarah and the classroom teacher BEFORE bringing in birthday treats.  We are also working towards a healthier campus and encourage snacks/treats that align with that. Low and zero waste items are preferred.


Important Sign Ups:

2nd-8th Grade Winter NWEA Math and AR Reading Assessments 2024-25

Arete Field Trips 2024-2025

Winter Enrichments 2024-2025

Second Trimester Academic Enrichment Class- 1st-6th Grades for 2024-2025

Trimester Two Arete Piano Sign Up (There is a waiting list, please sign up to be added to the waiting list.)

Arete Planning for the 2024-2025 School Year

Arete Charter Academy Blended Middle School (5-8th Grades)24/25

Want to join Arete’s Private Family Group on Facebook- do so here. Arete Charter Academy Family Group

A week’s worth of dates will be posted at the bottom and a list of Important Dates (along with other important sign ups) is on 

Dates for the 2024-2025 School Year

*November 25- Winter NWEA & STAR AR Assessments 9:15-12pm  

*November 25 Cookie Science 12:15-1:30

*November 26 Cookie Science 12:15-1:30

*November 27-29 Thanksgiving Break- No School

Reminder that our Mandarin fundraiser is happening now, important info here:
- order forms and payment are due before or by Friday 12/6
- Mandarins arrive at Arete Monday 12/16 and can be picked up 12/16-12-18
- a 10lb bag costs $20, same as at the Farmer's Market
- Arete gets to keep 40% of the proceeds!
- the top 3 sellers will be crowned our 2024 Mandarin Champions
Mandarins are coming from our friends at Snow's Citrus, which is family owned & operated and uses sustainable farming practices.

Our Arete Crew Has It's Own Page Now- Under Parent Resources

Check it out here- Arete Parent Crew and read all about our FIRST Family- the O'Briens! Thanks Cody for the great website and article!

From the Parents

Aimee O'Brien

In our Arete Origin Story we mentioned that the first family enrolled in Arete in July 2017 just 2 days after the announcement of a new Charter School within PRSD went live.  Aimee O’Brien was the one to enroll and all 4 of her kids attended/ are attending Arete.

How and why did you choose Arete?

Aimee and her kids had recently returned from Australia and they were looking for a schooling option that provided both individualized attention for learning and flexibility.  She had heard there was an amazing teacher in the community who was starting a charter homeschool and decided to give it a try.

Why does Arete work well for your family?

Since the beginning, the Arete teachers and staff have been able to spend dedicated time with her children to identify the need for focused tutoring in areas like reading or speech, and then work on those subjects.

Aimee and her kids take full advantage of the opportunities Arete provides, such as attending resource center, field trips, cross-country and volleyball teams, and special events like reading night and holiday parties.  They also fully utilize their budget for tutoring with reading and math as well as extracurriculars like ballet and karate.

Aimee finds that very focused tutoring efforts leaves the family plenty of time for fun stuff like camping trips and character-building stuff like chores around the house.

What are some of your lessons learned and what advice do you have for new families?

Now with 7 years as a homeschool mom and teacher, Aimee has definitely found her groove and takes full advantage of the resources that Arete provides while also enjoying the time and flexibility to focus on family, home, health, and relationships.

In the beginning, she didn’t know what to expect and kept questioning herself - could she keep up with teaching the kids as they grew older, or teach the younger kids how to read?  Questions we have probably all asked ourselves :-).

The advice she has for new families is to not stress or try to adhere to someone else’s schedule.  Get comfortable recognizing your own and your children’s emotional states and adjust the pace of work as needed.  Some days are great and we get a lot done, some days we need to take a break and find a way to keep learning fun.  It is an adjustment when you are always the authority figure as parent and teacher, but it also means we get more time to shape our kids as they grow.

Closing remarks

The Arete staff has been like an extended family for Aimee over the years, really listening to her challenges and supporting her kids at every step.  During Covid, the teachers even drove by her house and sang Happy Birthday to her daughter :-).  She is so thankful that even though the school has grown from a single room to now having its own campus, the same Arete staff and teachers are there providing the same type of support they did when it was a single room.

2025 Building Hope IMPACT Awards

One of our awesome parents, El Voellinger, has been hard at work writing grants for Arete. We just were notified of a new one that is due November 30 so we are reaching out to you for some assistance. Please consider sharing your thoughts with me via email to [email protected] and I'll forward it to El. We are looking for anecdotal notes about how the following Arete initiatives have or could benefit your child(ren)/family.
*Blended Middle School
*Adding 5th grade to the Blended Middle School.
*Literacy Launch class for students who are developing readers.
*Academic Enrichment classes for students who need more of a challenge.
*Tutoring for students who are not at grade level in reading.
*Implementing math and reading nights for families.
*Intervention in math with Mrs. Baker for students who are below the 30th percentile in math.
*Opening a high school for the 2024-2025 school year.
*Any other way that you have received support that was helpful and that you would like to share with us.
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us as we continue to improve our school.

Reminders for Wednesday

We must receive supply and curriculum orders tomorrow by 12pm in order to have them delivered before we go out on Thanksgiving Break, Wednesday, November 27-Friday, November 29. 
Tomorrow is Wear FLANNEL Dress Up Day.
Thursday is Use ANYTHING But a Backpack Day. Can't wait to see the creativity on this day!

picture retake day November 19
Picture Retake Day November 19th
Please note the date for picture retakes. Blended Middle School will take a class picture on this day also.

Sunday, November 17 Update

Hello families,

Our Leadership/Yearbook Team has planned three spirit days for this week. 

Spirit Week:

*Monday/Tuesday is Dress Like a  Turkey Day or wear fall colors.

*Wednesday is Flannel Day.

*Thursday is use anything but a backpack day.


Reminder that we start Winter NWEA/STAR AR Testing tomorrow. Notice that we have the start time a few minutes later than the Resource Center so that the office and parking lot are not so busy at the same time! If you signed up for a Chromebook, there will be one waiting for you in the front office with your kiddos’ name on it.

Kids should bring a water bottle, snack, and school work or a book to use when they are completed. We will walk them down to meet you in the front of the school at 12pm. They will take the math test before a snack/recess break and then take the reading test. We want them to go slowly and try their best and show all of the great stuff they have learned!

In case you need to reschedule your testing…

2nd-8th Grade Winter NWEA Math and AR Reading Assessments 2024-25


This is the second sign-up for enrichments for the 2024-2025 School Year. There will be some classes that are single-week sign-ups and then some classes that are a series of classes with multiple sessions. If you sign up for a series of classes, please DO NOT sign up for additional classes that overlap. If this occurs, the sign-up for the individual class will be deleted. There can be no overlap of classes, as Arete cannot pay for services that your child does not receive.

For ALL classes, please check your calendar to see if your kiddo is REALLY available on the days you select. For classes canceled by families with less than one week's notice, student funds will be charged, and a "to go" kit will be waiting for you in the school office. (Instructors have to buy materials in advance, and other kids could attend). If a class is full and you want to be added to the waiting list, please email Sarah at [email protected].  Please sign up for classes at least 48 hours in advance so we can check to make sure you have enough funds and that the instructor has enough supplies. We will try and add more sessions of the same classes if possible.  If classes do not meet the minimum number of students, they will be canceled with a week's notice, and funds will be returned to the student's account. 

If your child is out of funds, Arete will delete them from the class sign-up and Sign Up Genius will send you an email notifying you. Then you may refer back to the Sign Up for the Instructor's email address to make private arrangements for signing up for the class and for private payment.

If school is canceled due to weather, enrichment classes will be rescheduled to the same day of the week if possible, but at the end of the trimester. California law requires all students who receive classroom instruction through a school to be up to date on vaccinations or have a valid medical waiver registered with the CAIR Me website. Blended Middle School Students use all of their funds for that program, so please email instructors to sign up and pay privately. Thanks!

Enrichments will run November 18- February 21 with make ups the following week. There is no school 11/27-11/29, 12/23-1/3, 1/20, and 2/14-2/17.

Winter Enrichments 2024-2025


Amazon just informed us that they are discontinuing their subscription services so moving forward, we will only be able to reimburse for subscriptions. They still have to be approved and put on a budget before you may order them.


We are partnering with Snow Citrus to sell mandarins for a fundraiser for Arete. Each 10# bag sells for $20 and $8 is earned by Arete for student events and needs. Thanks to Mary in the front office, and Arete parents, Rachel Chaddock and Cody Voellinger for organizing. We will pass the attached fliers out to Resource Center classes, at 20 day meetings, you may pick one up at the front office or print one. Order forms and payment in check to PRSD or exact cash are due on Thursday, December 5. Mandarins should be picked up in the Arete office on December 16-18.



Arete Christmas Celebrations

We are so excited to announce our Family Christmas Party! This is one of my favorite nights of the year and it is BACK!! This community event is open to ALL Arete Families! On Thursday December 5 from 4:30 to 5:20 AND 5:30-6:20pm we are inviting families to come join in a Christmas craft together (painting a winter design on a decorative paint brush) while we listen to Christmas music and enjoy potluck snack/treats. Local artist, Susie Bell, will be leading our painting activity! Arete will provide juice and paper products and we are asking families to please bring a food item to share.When you sign up, please select ONE slot for each person 2+ who wants to paint an art project. If slots fill up and you still want to attend, please email me to be added to the waiting list. Please give at least 24 hours for any cancellations. All families are invited as this is an evening event open to the community.

In addition, we are planning our Arete Resource Center Pajama Ice Skating Party. This event promises to be lots of fun and we will need some help with family volunteers and supplies. This was a tradition at the original Pleasant Ridge School and we are bringing it back. We are building a mini ice skating rink in the MPR, bringing in fake snow and students will skate around on paper plates. 

The 4-8th Hybrid Resource Center Party with Ms. Doerr and Mrs. Veblen AND the BMS Party will be Wednesday, December 18 from 11:15-11:55.

Ms. Tomasetti's, Ms. McAlister, and Mrs. Codiga's Resource Center Party will be Thursday, December 19 from 11:15-11:55. SANTA WILL BE HERE THURSDAY FROM 11:15-11:55 FOR CHRISTMAS PICTURES. 

The Blended Middle School will also have a special craft project with Susie Bell on Thursday, December 19 from 1:15-2pm.

Please review the slots carefully to see how you can help! Don't forget to wear your jammies!! Students must meet state mandated vaccine requirements to attend this event.

Arete Christmas Celebrations



We are a NUT FREE campus. Please save nut snacks for while at home. Also, we have some other class specific allergies, so please email Sarah and the classroom teacher BEFORE bringing in birthday treats.  We are also working towards a healthier campus and encourage snacks/treats that align with that. Low and zero waste items are preferred.


Important Sign Ups:

2nd-8th Grade Winter NWEA Math and AR Reading Assessments 2024-25

Arete Field Trips 2024-2025

Winter Enrichments 2024-2025

Second Trimester Academic Enrichment Class- 1st-6th Grades for 2024-2025

Trimester Two Arete Piano Sign Up (There is a waiting list, please sign up to be added to the waiting list.)

Arete Planning for the 2024-2025 School Year

Arete Charter Academy Blended Middle School (5-8th Grades)24/25

Want to join Arete’s Private Family Group on Facebook- do so here. Arete Charter Academy Family Group

A week’s worth of dates will be posted at the bottom and a list of Important Dates (along with other important sign ups) is on 


Dates for the 2024-2025 School Year

*November 18- Winter NWEA & STAR AR Assessments 9:15-12pm  

*November 18 & 19 Spirit Day- Dress like a turkey or wear fall colors

*November 19 Resource Center Visits the Garden

*November 19- Picture Retakes- BMS Group Picture 9am 

*November 19- STEAM with Meredith Doerr 12:15-1:15

*November 20 Spirit Day- Wear Flannel

*November 20 Resource Center Visits the Garden

*November 20- Paint Ceramics with Susie Bell 12:15-1:15

*November 21- Winter NWEA & STAR AR Assessments 9:15-12pm  

*November 21 Spirit Day - Use anything but a backpack day

*November 21- Paint Ceramics with Susie Bell 12:15-1:15

*November 21- Make and Take Home Dinners 12:15-1:30pm

*November 21- Snack Cooking Class 1:30-2:15pm 

*November 21- Animal-Assisted Learning at Rise Ranch with Meredith Doerr 3:00-4:30pm 

*November 22- Botanical Workshop with Meredith Doerr 11:00-12:00pm

*November 22- Foraging and Cooking at Susan’s Farm 11:00-1:00 

*November 22- Culinary Adventures with Meredith Doerr 12:00-1:30pm 

*November 22- Art Class with Friends 1:30-2:30pm 

*November 22- Fun Friday 2:30-3:30pm

Nutcracker Field Trip

We have five openings for this field trip that we already paid for. Please sign up here if you would like to attend this fun event.

If you need to cancel, you have until Monday, November 18th. If you cancel after that, you will need to pay $5 for each spot you reserved including for Arete students, siblings and adult chaperones. The Performances are at NUHS Don Baggett Theatre. Meet Ms. Doerr out front at 11am. She will leave at 11:05 to head into the theater to be seated when the show starts at 11:15.

This presentation is put on by Center Stage Dance Studio. Arete will pre-pay for students. All parents and non-Arete siblings will be $5. and This fee MUST be paid on Mealtime or in exact cash/check at the Arete front office by Friday, December 6, 2024.

Field Trips


Christmas Gift Help

Crossroads Church and the Lion's Club have offered to support some Arete families with Christmas gifts. Please email [email protected] if this would be helpful so that we can organize this. We will be discrete with this information.