


🐉🍄 ✨ Arete’s Dragon Fair!!!! ✨🍄🐲 Update

We changed the date so there is not a conflict between the Dragon's Fair and the Airport Field Trip. The new date is Friday, May 12. Yeah!
This year Arete is hosting a craft fair, and you're invited!! There will be booths and kids of all ages selling crafts that they made!!! And you can be one of those people, too! Also, if you are an adult you may join!! One reason we are hosting this craft fair is so kids can learn what it's like to have a job, but one of the main reasons is a fundraiser for our school. Yes, the vendors who participate in this craft fair will be earning money for what they made, and yes, we are raising money for our school at the same time! All the donated money will go towards school supplies, PE equipment, science materials, new books and more! Also, you can benefit from it if you join!! Booth fees will be $10, and that money will go to our school. At the end of the fair there will be a raffle, each raffle ticket will be one dollar. You will have lots of chances to win craft prizes! Not only will the booth money go to our school, but so will the raffle ticket money!! While we're on the topic of donating money, when you first enter our fair we will have a bin you can put donations in like: stuffed animals for the younger kids, text books, pencils, craft supplies, science stuff, board games, books etc….. We will also accept money donations, too! You are not obligated to join, but if you are interested in joining and selling stuff please click here!
Friday, May 19, 2023 from 12:30-1:30pm
Please submit this form by April 14, 2023- We need 10 vendors to participate to hold the fair.
Raffle tickets are $1 each, 6 tickets for $5, or an arm's length of tickets for $20
Raffle will be at 1:30
Craft Fair runs from 12:30-1:30 with set up at 12pm
Booth fee is $10 via cash or check to the Arete office
If you join this craft fair you will be donating two of the items you made for the raffle. Thank you for supporting our amazing school and our local crafters! Maire Hahn

🐉🍄 ✨ Arete’s Dragon Fair!!!! ✨🍄🐲

This year Arete is hosting a craft fair, and you're invited!! There will be booths and kids of all ages selling crafts that they made!!! And you can be one of those people, too! Also, if you are an adult you may join!! One reason we are hosting this craft fair is so kids can learn what it's like to have a job, but one of the main reasons is a fundraiser for our school. Yes, the vendors who participate in this craft fair will be earning money for what they made, and yes, we are raising money for our school at the same time! All the donated money will go towards school supplies, PE equipment, science materials, new books and more! Also, you can benefit from it if you join!! Booth fees will be $10, and that money will go to our school. At the end of the fair there will be a raffle, each raffle ticket will be one dollar. You will have lots of chances to win craft prizes! Not only will the booth money go to our school, but so will the raffle ticket money!! While we're on the topic of donating money, when you first enter our fair we will have a bin you can put donations in like: stuffed animals for the younger kids, text books, pencils, craft supplies, science stuff, board games, books etc….. We will also accept money donations, too! You are not obligated to join, but if you are interested in joining and selling stuff please click here

Friday, May 12, 2023 from 12:30-1:30pm

Please submit this form by April 14, 2023- We need 10 vendors to participate to hold the fair. 

Raffle tickets are $1 each, 6 tickets for $5, or an arm's length of tickets for $20

Raffle will be at 1:30

Craft Fair runs from 12:30-1:30 with set up at 12pm

Booth fee is $10 via cash or check to the Arete office

If you join this craft fair you will be donating two of the items you made for the raffle.

Thank you for supporting our amazing school and our local crafters!  Maire Hahn

Sunday, March 12 Update

Good Evening Families!

Tomorrow is the last day to turn in Read-a-Thon reading logs for prizes and to be in the drawing the Lion’s Club is holding Tuesday morning for six $50 Target gift cards. It is also the last day to earn book bucks for collecting donations in the Read-a-Thon. The Book Fair ends Tuesday morning at 10am. 

Our deadline has passed for completing the Intent to Return. Please complete for all TK-7th graders whether they are returning or not. We are quickly filling up for next year with lots of new enrollees. We want to make sure current families have the first chance to return, so please complete the form. Thanks!

*Arete Intent to Return for the 2023-2024 School Year- Arete Charter Academy 2023-2024 School Year- Intent to Return

If you do not respond, we will follow up ONE time, and then will consider your answer to be that your child is NOT returning to Arete. If you decide to come back later, there may be openings and if not, you will get priority in the lottery. The lottery will be held by the end of the 2023 school year if needed.

Next Park Meet Up-

The next one will be Thursday, March 16 from 1-2pm at Minnie Park. This is a special meet up as beloved former Arete family, Emily and Abby Adams will be attending as well!


Arete's Blended Middle School Program is excited to be offering our second yearbook. The deadline to purchase the yearbook and have it delivered by the end of the school year is April 17. You can even personalize two pages! Go to www.treering.com/validate and enter Arete's code of 1016366166265


Maidu Museum & Historic Site- Wednesday, May 24th from 12:00p.m. to 1:30p.m. 

We can have 35 children. If you were signed up for the original field trip, you have first rights to this event. This is open to ALL Arete students who are signed up. Parents can either stay or drop off at 12pm and pick up at 1:30. If your child will NOT attend that day, please sign in to Sign Up Genius and delete their spot so another child can attend. We are wanting to have all 35 spots filled!!!

Please do not double book with an enrichment on this day.

January Through May Field Trips 2023


The Next Arete OC Adventures On Campus Meet Up is Friday, March 24 from 12-2pm

Join us for a garden activity, a craft,  and time with friends! Bring lunch and we look forward to seeing you there! There will also be a visit to see the chickens! Everyone is welcome! 


*Arete Writing Club Continues Each Monday, from 2-3pm at the Madelyn Helling Library. Please feel free to RSVP or just show up! Arete Writing  Club


Remember to email Sarah at [email protected] a few days before a kiddos’ birthday if you want to send in treats so I can check for food allergies. Nuts are never allowed, but some individual classes have food allergies that I also monitor closely. Thanks for keeping our students safe. We also strongly encourage healthier treats if possible as some families closely monitor their kiddos’ sugar and food dye intake.

Please remember that we are a NUT FREE school as we have several students with severe nut allergies. Kiddos may enjoy nut free granola bars and spreads on their sandwiches and all the nut free favorites when away from Arete. Thanks!


*Sign up for our Arete Charter Academy Family Facebook Group here...

Arete Charter Academy Family Group


*Sign up for our Arete OC Adventures Group here...

Arete Off Campus Group


Important Dates for the 2022-2023 School Year

*March 13 Spring NWEA/AR TESTING 9:15-12

*March 13  Scholastic Book Fair 8:30am-1pm

*March 13 Advanced Art Class -Butterfly and Bird Bath 12:15-1:15

*March 13- Intellibricks Game Design w/Scratch 2-8th 12:15-1:45 (make up class from 2/27)

*March 13 Archery - Robin Hood Workshop Series 12:15-3:15 

*March 14 Scholastic Book Fair 8:30am-10am Last Day

*March 14- Art Docent- McAlister, Codiga, and Veblen

*March 14 Class Garden McAlister 11:30-12

*March 14 STEAM 12-15-1:30

*March 14 Archery - Robin Hood Workshop Series 12:15-3:15

*March 15- 4-8th Art Docent

*March 15 Class Garden VonRuden 9:30-10

*March 15 Class Garden Doerr 10-10:30

*March 15 Macrame Plant Hanger 12:15-1:15

*March 15 STEAM 12:15-1:30

*March 16 Spring NWEA/AR TESTING 9:15-12

*March 16- Art Docent- Baker/Lingo and Tomasetti

*March 16 Class Garden Tomasetti 9:45-10:15

*March 16 Class Garden Baker 10:45-11:15

*March 16 Class Garden Codiga 11:30-12

*March 16 Macrame Plant Hanger 12:15-1:15

*March 16 Lego Robotics - 12:15-1:45

*March 16 Arete OC Aventures Park Meet Up from 1-2pm at Minnie Park. This is a special meet up as beloved former Arete family, Emily and Abby Adams will be attending as well!

*March 17 Engineering Adventure Series -The Great Egg Drop 9-10:30

*March 17 Art Class- Leprechaun Trap 10:30-11:30

*March 17 After Art Fun w/Stephanie and Wendy 11:30-12:30

We are so excited to announce the return of Aimee O'Brien Photography for Spring Photos

Click the link here for more details. ALL students are invited for photos!
TUESDAY, MARCH 28 9-9:20            
WALKINS AND STAFF 9:20-9:40      
MARINA CODIGA'S CLASS (3/4) 9:40-10          
LEAH VEBLEN'S CLASS (1/2) 10-10:20        
CASSIE MCALISTER'S CLASS (2/3) 10:40-11        
WALKINS 11-11:20        
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29 9-9:10            
WALKINS AND STAFF 9:10-9:30      
6TH GRADE BMS 9:30-9:50      
7TH GRADE BMS 9:50-10:10    
8TH GRADE BMS 10:10-10:30  
MEREDITH DOERR'S CLASS (4/5) 10:30-10:50  
1:45-12:15   SIBLINGS

Intent to Return Form 23/24 School Year


Thank you for completing one form for each child who attends our school. Please complete for TK-7th grade. This form is due TODAY March 8th and will guarantee your child's enrollment at Arete for the 2023-2024 school year. If you do not respond, we will follow up ONE time, and then will consider your answer to be that your child is NOT returning to Arete. If you decide to come back later, there may be openings and if not, you will get priority in the lottery. The lottery will be held by the end of the 2023 school year if needed.

Arete Charter Academy 2023-2024 School Year- Intent to Return

Sunday, March 5 Update

Good Evening Families!

I know the weather has made NWEA/STAR AR Testing and 20 Day Meetings a little tricky. Thanks for being so flexible. Thanks to all who were able to get their kiddos in for testing last week so we had less make ups. We understand people live all over the county, and other counties and safety is our first priority, It’s possible school will be canceled tomorrow. If so, we will re-schedule testing until March 13, so please block out that day on your calendar if your kiddo is signed up for tomorrow and it gets canceled due to snow. Some of you have missed 20 day meetings due to snow conditions and school closures. Thanks for emailing in logs and samples, doing phone, in person, and Zoom meetings and overall just being awesome. 20 Day meetings were originally scheduled for Feb 27-March 6. We are extending those days to March 6-10. We are hoping to have all meetings held and binders in by March 10, assuming no future closures.

Tomorrow continues our last round of NWEA Math and STAR AR Reading testing. Feel free to ignore this if you only have TK/K/1 or a Blended Middle School kiddo. Please sign up here if you have not already done so. Remember to bring a charged Chromebook if you have one or come early if you need to check one out. Bring a snack and water bottle. Spring NWEA/AR Testing

Arete's Blended Middle School Program is excited to be offering our second yearbook. The deadline to purchase the yearbook and have it delivered by the end of the school year is April 17. You can even personalize two pages! Go to www.treering.com/validate and enter Arete's code of 1016366166265

The Writing Club at the library is canceled for tomorrow due to weather.

*Arete Intent to Return for the 2023-2024 School Year- Reminder that the deadline to ensure enrollment for next year is THIS Wednesday, March 8.

Thank you for completing one form for each child who attends our school. Please complete for TK-7th grade. This form is due by March 8, 2023 and will guarantee your child's enrollment at Arete for the 2023-2024 school year. If you do not respond, we will follow up ONE time, and then will consider your answer to be that your child is NOT returning to Arete. If you decide to come back later, there may be openings and if not, you will get priority in the lottery. The lottery will be held by the end of the 2023 school year if needed.

Arete Charter Academy 2023-2024 School Year- Intent to Return


Maidu Museum & Historic Site- Wednesday, May 24th from 12:00p.m. to 1:30p.m.

Due to a snow day, this day is being rescheduled to an on campus event where the Maidu Museum is sending out staff. We visited the Museum site last year and will again next year!

"Bring the Maidu Museum into your classroom with this hands-on program. Your students will compare different tribal communities from up and down California. Discover how these cultures reflected their relationships with the diverse environments in which they live. Games Add-on (30 min): Add on an extra 30 minutes to your Outreach Program to include two games: the Trade Game and the Stave Game. During the Trade Game, students become traders for their community and learn about about what it takes to make the best trades. The Stave Game is a traditional California Indian game that is played throughout the state."

We can have 35 children. If you were signed up for the original field trip, you have first rights to this event. This is open to ALL Arete students who are signed up. Parents can either stay or drop off at 12pm and pick up at 1:30. If your child will NOT attend that day, please sign in to Sign Up Genius and delete their spot so another child can attend. We are wanting to have all 35 spots filled!!!

Please do not double book with an enrichment on this day.

January Through May Field Trips 2023

*Arete New Family Informational Night- Wednesday, March 8, 2023 from 5-6pm. Zoom or in person. Please RSVP to [email protected]. Let your interested friends know!

March Through May 2023 Enrichments- no budget needed

We can pay for anything listed on this link after it is added to a budget form. New funds drop March 6.

Current Independent Contractors

Next Park Meet Up-The next one will be Thursday, March 16 from 1-2pm at Minnie Park. This is a special meet up as beloved former Arete family, Emily and Abby Adams will be attending as well!

The Next Arete OC Adventures On Campus Meet Up is Friday, March 24 from 12-2pm Join us for a garden activity, a craft,  and time with friends! Bring lunch and we look forward to seeing you there! There will also be a visit to see the chickens! Everyone is welcome! 

Remember to email Sarah at [email protected] a few days before a kiddos’ birthday if you want to send in treats so I can check for food allergies. Nuts are never allowed, but some individual classes have food allergies that I also monitor closely. Thanks for keeping our students safe. We also strongly encourage healthier treats if possible as some families closely monitor their kiddos’ sugar and food dye intake.

Please remember that we are a NUT FREE school as we have several students with severe nut allergies. Kiddos may enjoy nut free granola bars and spreads on their sandwiches and all the nut free favorites when away from Arete. Thanks!


*Sign up for our Arete Charter Academy Family Facebook Group here...

Arete Charter Academy Family Group


*Sign up for our Arete OC Adventures Group here...

Arete Off Campus Group


Important Dates for the 2022-2023 School Year

*March 6   20 Day Meetings - Rewards - Popcorn

*March 6 Scholastic Book Fair 12pm-1pm

*March 6- Trimester 3 Funds Released

*March 6 Spring NWEA/AR TESTING

*March 6- KMC Archery Level 2 12:15-1:15 4-8th

*March 6- Intellibricks Game Design w/Scratch 2-8th 12:15-1:45 (make up class 2/27)

*March 7 Scholastic Book Fair 8:30am-1pm

*March 7 Cookie Science 12:15-1:30 (rescheduled from 1/10)

*March 7 Archery 12:15-1:15 (rescheduled from 1/10)

*March 8 Scholastic Book Fair 8:30am-1pm and 4-5pm

*March 8 Create a Board Game 12:15-1:15

*March 8- 5-6pm Prospective New Family Meeting- Zoom and In Person

*March 9 Spring NWEA/AR TESTING

*March 9 Scholastic Book Fair 8:30am-1pm

*March 9 Class Garden 9:45-10:15

*March 9 Class Garden Veblen 11:30-12

*March 9 Create a Board Game 12:15-1:15

*March 10 Scholastic Book Fair 8:30am-1pm 

*March 10 Engineering Adventure Series -The Great Egg Drop 9-10:30

*March 10 Art Class- Creative Monogram Letters 10:30-11:30

*March 10 After art Fun w/Stephanie and Wendy 11:30-12:30 

*March 10 Chess Club 12:30-1:10

Maidu Museum Field Trip

Maidu Museum & Historic Site

Due to a snow day, this day is being rescheduled to an on campus event where the Maidu Museum is sending out staff. We visited the Museum site last year and will again next year!

Wednesday, May 24th from 12:00p.m. to 1:30p.m.

"Bring the Maidu Museum into your classroom with this hands-on program. Your students will compare different tribal communities from up and down California. Discover how these cultures reflected their relationships with the diverse environments in which they live. Games Add-on (30 min): Add on an extra 30 minutes to your Outreach Program to include two games: the Trade Game and the Stave Game. During the Trade Game, students become traders for their community and learn about about what it takes to make the best trades. The Stave Game is a traditional California Indian game that is played throughout the state."

We can have 35 children. If you were signed up for the original field trip, you have first rights to this event. This is open to ALL Arete students who are signed up. Parents can either stay or drop off at 12pm and pick up at 1:30. If your child will NOT attend that day, please sign in to Sign Up Genius and delete their spot so another child can attend. We are wanting to have all 35 spots filled!!!

Please do not double book with an enrichment on this day.

The Book Fair Showed Up Today, Three Days Late

So... staff is working like crazy to set up all 35 boxes worth of books, but as they did not show up until just before lunch, we will need to push the book fair back a little bit. We will be open and ready to sell by Tuesday, March 7, but are hopeful to be ready by Monday at 12pm. Check in then if you are interested.
Kiddos can still turn in their pledge money and reading minutes through Wednesday, March 8 to earn their prizes and Scholastic Book Bucks!

The Fair will be extended to run through Monday, March 13th.   Come in and check out all the fun new books from Scholastic.  We will be up and operational each day from 8:30AM-1:00 PM.  We are looking for volunteers to help set up and to help during the fair.  Anytime you are able to help would be so greatly appreciated!!

Please check out our Book Fair website: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/aretecharteracademy

Thank you for all those participating in the Read-A-Thon!  Anyone with Book Bucks earned in the Read-a-Thon, can use them at the Book Fair! (you get to keep those forever and ever). 

Arete Enrichment Funds of up to $100 may be spent at the book fair on books after being added to a budget form. (Please complete the budget ahead of time. It usually takes a day to process it.) Those books are considered non-consumable and have to be returned at the end of the year.  They will be added to the Arete library.  They can be checked out again.

We are so excited to be offering our annual Family Information Night on Wednesday, March 8 from 5:00-6:00pm. Please share with any interested friends. Mrs. Cindy will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair from 4-5pm that night. 

Hope to see you soon at the Book Fair.


Schedule for 3/3

Field Trip - Meeting Mozart @ Center for the Arts has been changed to 11am with doors open at 10:30. Anyone is invited and tickets are no longer needed. It is no longer an Arete Field Trip and just a community event so you can show up and enjoy.
Intervention as scheduled.
20 Day Meetings as scheduled.
Book Fair will be cancelled until Monday 3/6
NWEA/AR Testing Today 9:15-12
String Art - Crafty Friday make up class 10:30-11:30
Fun Day make up class 11:30-12:30
Archery make up class 11-12

Arete's Blended Middle School Program is excited to be offering our second yearbook. The deadline to purchase the yearbook and have it delivered by the end of the school year is April 17. You can even personalize two pages! Go to www.treering.com/validate and enter Arete's code of 1016366166265

Another Snow Day, Thursday, March 2nd

All school activities closed due to no buses or food service delivery. We will try to have some office staff in so you may have the opportunity to meet with your Educational Advisor if they reach out to you to meet tomorrow.
As Arete has no school tomorrow, 3/2/2023, I have rescheduled this testing day to Thursday, March 16 from 9:15am-12pm. If that does not work for you, please delete your Sign Up on the link and schedule your kiddo for another day. Thanks for your patience!


Make Ups

Due to the snow today, these are the following reschedules we have secured.
*May 30 Science Adventures in STEAM w/Ms. Doerr TK-3 12:15-1:30 (rescheduled from February 28)
*Tuesday's Archery class- We have had two classes cancelled. One makeup class is scheduled on Friday, March 3 from 11-12. Please email me if you cannot attend and we will refund a portion to your Enrichment Funds. The original make up class will be Tuesday, March 7, 2023 from 12:15-1:15.
Soccer cancelled this week. We will reschedule when we think we can maybe guess the weather and it's not too cold or too hot.

NO School or Anything at School Tomorrow. Stay home!

We will figure out more re-scheduling and email out notices soon! Stay warm with your family!!