Sunday, March 10 Update
Hello all,
New updates are all in bold and continuing information is in regular type. Hope that helps!
Arete Survey- we are currently at 40% of our 176 families have responded. We are hoping to cross 50% by this coming Friday (PRSD Superintendent Clark extended the date to get more parent responses. We look at the data carefully to learn how we can better serve our students and families at Arete. We also use this information to plan for our Local Control and Accountability Plan for the next school year. Friday is the last day to complete it!
3-8th Grade CAASPP & 5th & 7th Grade Physical Fitness Testing 2023 Please read the directions carefully as there are different directions for several of the grade levels. If you have a busy schedule, please sign up early!
*2nd-8th Grade Spring NWEA Math and AR Reading Assessments 2023-2024. Remember to bring your charged Chromebook, a book or some lessons, a water bottle and a snack so your kiddo is in the testing room and ready to start at 9:15. Kiddos will be walked down to front pick up at 12pm. (If you need to check out a CB in the front office, please arrive EARLY to do that.) We are REALLY focusing on students going slowly and trying their very best to show what they have learned this year.
*Intent to Return- Due March 13 to ensure enrollment for the 24/25 school year. Intent to Return Please let us know if your child is, or is not, returning next year.
*Read-A-Thon Pledges due March 15- 20% of funds raised will be returned to your kiddo in Book Bucks to spend at the Spring Book Fair- April 3-10. The ladies of the Lion’s Club visited Arete with not six, but eight crisp $50 bills to raffle. We handed out half of them last week and have a few more to hand out tomorrow. So exciting to honor these hard working readers.
Prospective Family Information Night- Wednesday, March 13 from 5-6pm over Zoom and in person. If you have friends or family that are interested in Arete, this is a great night for them to come visit, meet staff, see curriculum samples and have their questions answered. Have them email [email protected] to RSVP.
*Eighth Grade Families- email baby pics to Nicole Tomasetti ([email protected]) by TOMORROW!
ALL Families are invited to sign up for Sierra Harvest Guest Chef with Susan Gouveia on March 13 from 5:30-6:30.
We are so excited to announce that we have received a grant from NCSOS and are spending a large portion of it on Sami's Circuit. We will be kicking off this year long initiative on Thursday, April 25 with two assemblies. Please come on campus and join us. TK-3rd Grades will be from 9:30-10:15 and 4-8th Grades will be from 10:30-11:15. Following for the next year will be weekly 20 minute videos that model healthy choice and behaviors and get kids moving! We will also have three virtual Family Nights (we may Zoom in for one from the Arete MPR) where families can tune in for energetic fun and motivation. We hope you will join us for some of these fun and healthy events!
Guest Chef with Susan- Tuesday, March 12 and Wednesday, March 13 students at the Arete Resource Center will be participating in a Guest Chef cooking experience. Families of students who do not attend that are invited for a cooking night on Wednesday, March 13 from 5:30-6:30 with Chef Susan. We will be working together to make Spring Plant Based Sushi.
Parents! Please sign up for ONE spot for EVERY Arete student and parent attending. (That means if one kid is going, you need to sign up for two spots for the parent and kiddo. We can have 30 people TOTAL. Please note only one parent will be able to attend! Please email me at [email protected] to be on the waiting list. Please do not sign up if you think you are going to cancel at the last minute as that will take a spot from someone who can attend. Sierra Harvest Guest Chef with Susan Gouveia
You're invited to Arete’s Craft Fair!! Friday April 26th, 2024 from 12:30-1:30pm. Arete current and former families and students will be selling crafts that they made. There will be a raffle at 1:30pm, and you can buy raffle tickets for $1 each. This is a fundraiser for our school. We will have an area where you can put donations for our school. For example library books, craft supplies, food and bedding for the chickens, playground toys for the younger kids etc…. We hope that you can come join us!! If you would like to sign up, and sell things at this craft fair please sign up here.
Arete’s 3rd Talent Show is coming Tuesday, April 16 at 11am. Stay tuned for more information. Sign ups will be April 9 and 10. Mr. Cody will be back with his rockin’ snack station raising funds for Staff Appreciation Week!
*Here are the Social Emotional Lessons (SEL lessons) that we are implementing on campus. You may use the content to discuss these topics with your children. If your student does not come on campus regularly, here are excellent grade appropriate lessons from February that you can teach at home. We will send these out monthly. Enjoy!
In each grade level we have included; the summary of this month's theme, a video link with discussion/talking points, and a resiliency booster activity with a link to a worksheet.
Overall March Monthly Theme: Desire, Time, and Effort
PRSD is so excited that Arete is hosting our Student Showcase that they are holding a board meeting at Arete in April to tour our students' awesome displays.
*April 9 and 10 Arete Student Showcase- Similar to our STEAM Showcase last year- we are inviting ALL students to display projects they work on during the year. Please drop off projects on April 4, 5, or 7 for us to create the display. Then come back on April 9/10 at 9am to stand by your project. Classes and other interested adults are invited to view the displays starting at 9:15. We are telling you now so you can save projects you can complete during the year. Projects can be submitted by any Arete student!
*Want to Sign Up For the Resource Center- do so here
Spring Enrichments- Sign up here
2nd-8th Grade Spring NWEA Math and AR Reading Assessments 2023-2024
*Spring Testing- Sign up here
*2023-2024 Field Trips- Sign up here
3-8th Grade CAASPP & 5th & 7th Grade Physical Fitness Testing 2023
*Have Photos For the Yearbook? Email to [email protected]
Want to join Arete’s Private Family Group on Facebook- do so here. Arete Charter Academy Family Group
Remember to email Sarah at [email protected] a few days before a kiddos’ birthday if you want to send in treats so I can check for food allergies. Nuts are never allowed, but some individual classes have food allergies that I also monitor closely. Thanks for keeping our students safe. We also strongly encourage healthier treats if possible as some families closely monitor their kiddos’ sugar and food dye intake.
Please remember that we are a NUT FREE school as we have several students with severe nut allergies. Kiddos may enjoy nut free granola bars and spreads on their sandwiches and all the nut free favorites when away from Arete. Thanks!
*Want to see dates for the entire year? Click here
Dates for the 2023-2024 School Year
*March 11 Spring NWEA Testing
*March 11- 4/5 Garden 10:30-11, 6-8th Garden 11:20-11:50
*March 11 Cookie Science 12:15-1:30
*March 12- First Grade Garden 11:20-11:50, Kindergarten 10:45-11:15
*March 12- 12pm Read-a-Thon High Tea/Hot Cocoa Party Reward
*March 12 Cookie Science 12:15-1:30
*March 12-13 Guest Chef 5:30-6:30pm
*March 13- Parent Orientation 5-6pm
*March 13-5:30-6:30 Guest Chef for Off Campus Families
*March 14- 2/3 Garden 11:20-11:50
*March 14 Love and Logic Parenting Classes @ Alta Sierra School 6-7:30pm
*March 15 Around the World Read-a-Thon Pledge Money Due
*March 15 Culinary Adventures w/Ms Doerr 9-10:3