Sunday, December 17 Update

Hello all,

For anyone wanting to order supplies or curriculum, the last day we took orders was the 13th of December. PRSD has chosen this day to ensure all items can be safely delivered in time before we go on winter break. Any orders that come in now will be processed when we return in January.


We have some fun dress up days coming planned by our awesome Leadership Class. 


*Monday, December 18- Christmas colors: red, green, and gold.

*Tuesday, December 19-  Tree Topper Day: wear a Christmas hat or any festive hat 

*Wednesday, December 20- PJ Day (because this is the day the 4-8th grade hybrid kids have their party)

*Thursday, December 21-  PJ Day


Reminder that our Resource Center and Blended Middle School Christmas Celebrations are this week. Please send in any supplies you signed up for and show up to work at the shift you signed up to help out with. Thanks so much for your support!

*CAASP Testing Practice

*Click here

*Click the GREEN Sign In at the bottom. (No need to change anything on the page)

*Select GRADE 3-8th.

*Select any of the Smarter Balanced Practice Tests.

*After you have tried all of those, Click​ Smarter Balanced Training Tests

*Click the Green SELECT at the bottom.

*Click the Green Begin Test Now


*Typing Practice

These programs will teach your kiddos where to place their fingers for typing.

Here's the link to Typing Pal's school edition

Email [email protected] to have her set up a free account for your kiddo!

Here's Dance Mat Typing

There is also ed club  Which is a lot like Typing Pal- you'll have to pay to keep track of your progress

Then there are free typing games But these don't really focus on where to place your fingers

These links are also at under Student Links.


*PRSD is focusing on reducing Tech Addiction in Children and building pathways for Digital Health. Each week I will share a NEW tidbit about this or how to to reduce screen time for kids who struggle with this.

*Former Google product manager Tristan Harris: “Silicon Valley is intentionally engineering your phone, apps and social media to get you hooked.” 60 Minutes: Brain Hacking (4/9/17).

*“There’s a whole playbook of techniques that get used to get you using the product for as long as possible…every time I check my phone, I’m playing the slot machine to see, ‘What did I get?’ This is one way to hijack people’s minds and create a habit, to form a habit,” former Google product manager Tristan Harris. 60 Minutes: Brain Hacking (4/9/17).

*Teachers Joe Clement and Matt Miles discuss in their book “Screen Schooled” the“Googlefication” of the classroom, “Students can recall facts via Google, but as they get older, they don’t develop critical thinking, inference and the ability to weave those facts into a cohesive tapestry/narrative.


*Resources for Digital Health for Adults:,any%20questions%20they%20might%20have


*Our Leadership class in the Blended Middle School is requesting your input on what you would like them to work on this year. They are an awesome team of 6th-8th graders so please keep that in mind! Arete Leadership Survey


*Want to Sign Up For the Resource Center- do so here


*Winter Enrichments- Sign up here

*2023-2024 Field Trips- Sign up here

*Have Photos For the Yearbook? Upload here 


Want to join Arete’s Private Family Group on Facebook- do so here. Arete Charter Academy Family Group


Remember to email Sarah at [email protected] a few days before a kiddos’ birthday if you want to send in treats so I can check for food allergies. Nuts are never allowed, but some individual classes have food allergies that I also monitor closely. Thanks for keeping our students safe. We also strongly encourage healthier treats if possible as some families closely monitor their kiddos’ sugar and food dye intake.

Please remember that we are a NUT FREE school as we have several students with severe nut allergies. Kiddos may enjoy nut free granola bars and spreads on their sandwiches and all the nut free favorites when atArete. Thanks!


*Want to see dates for the entire year? Click here


Dates for the 2023-2024 School Year

*December 15th, 18th, 19th 20 Day Meetings- Trail Mix (with lots of healthy options) in the Office For Everyone Who Turns EVERYTHING in during their meeting.

*December 18 Art Holiday Christmas Cards, Gift & Ornaments 12-1:30

*December 18 Gingerbread Workshops 9-10:30

*December 19 Gingerbread Workshops 9-10:30

*December 20 Ghidotti Early College High School presentation

*December 20 Resource Center Pajama Christmas Party 4-8th 10:30-11:50

*December 21 Resource Center Pajama Christmas Party TK-3rd 10:30-11:50

*December 21 Blended Middle School Christmas Pajama Party 1-2

*December 21 Lego Motor Madness 12:15-1:45

*December 22- Chess Club CANCELED

December 22 Office Closes at 1:00

*Winter Break- December 25- January 5