Sarah Schwartz » Posts


9/19 Update

What a wonderful field trip we had to the zoo. Thanks to all who joined us!! If you haven't checked out our October activities, please do so now:
For the field trip tomorrow, please meet me at 9:45 at the stage by the Northern Mines Building with your sack lunch in tow. I will have name tags for you. The field trip will be over at 2pm. The Arete Resource Center is closed for the day.


*September 21 Maps Makeups at Arete (This is the absolute last day that the testing day is open.)

*September 20- 9:45am-2pm Annual Farm Day-The Arete Resource Center is closed this day.

*September 21-  Picture re-take day at Magnolia

*September 24 & 25 Hearing and vision testing for all 5 & 8th graders and any students who have IEPs. Please let me know if your child is not in one of those groups and you have a concern and would like them tested.

*October 1- Parent Advisory Committee- 12:15-1:00pm

*October 1- 12-1pm T-Shirt Upcycling Enrichment starts.

*October 2- 12-1pm Puppet and Doll-making Enrichment starts.

*October 3- Guest Chef 9:40-10:10am All ages welcome!

*October 18- 9:30am Field Trip to McCourtney Road Pumpkin Patch. All ages welcome. $7 for any non-Arete students.

*October 22-26- October Break- no school in session. The Arete Resource Center is closed.


9/18 Update

*HELP!!!!! One of our Chromebooks mysteriously walked away last week. Please check your kiddos backpacks and rooms to see if they borrowed one from us and forgot to return it.
We will finishing testing next Wednesday in the den and do make ups on Friday on Chromebooks in Arete. Anyone who has completed testing will work in room 7 and 8 on their regular lessons.

*September 18- Field trip to Folsom Zoo Sanctuary Meet out front at 10:45am. The Arete Resource Center is closed this day.

*September 19- Maps Testing Makeups at the Rattler Den

*September 21 Maps Makeups at Arete

*September 20- 9:45am-2pm Annual Farm Day-The Arete Resource Center is closed this day.

*September 21-  Picture re-take day at Magnolia

*October 1- Parent Advisory Committee- 12:15-1:00pm

*October 1- 12-1pm T-Shirt Upcycling Enrichment starts.

*October 2- 12-1pm Puppet and Doll-making Enrichment starts.

*October 3- Guest Chef 9:40-10:10am All ages welcome!

*October 18- 9:30am Field Trip to McCourtney Road Pumpkin Patch. All ages welcome. $7 for any non-Arete students.


9/13 Update

Yesterday our Arete kiddos rocked Maps testing. They worked so hard and some even said they really enjoyed it because they felt it really assessed what they knew. We will finishing testing next Wednesday in the den and do make ups on Friday on Chromebooks in Arete. Anyone who has completed testing will work in room 7 and 8 on their regular lessons.

*September 14- 5th Grade Field Trip to Nevada County Courthouse

*September 17th 9:45-10:45 10-11am Garden at Cottage Hill

*September 18- Field trip to Folsom Zoo Sanctuary Meet out front at 10:45am. The Arete Resource Center is closed this day.

*September 19- Maps Testing Makeups at the Rattler Den

*September 21 Maps Makeups at Arete

*September 20- 9:45am-2pm Annual Farm Day-The Arete Resource Center is closed this day.

*September 21-  Picture re-take day at Magnolia

*October 1- Parent Advisory Committee- 12:15-1:00pm

*October 3- Guest Chef 9:40-10:10am All ages welcome!

*October 18- 9:30am Field Trip to McCourtney Road Pumpkin Patch. All ages welcome. $7 for any non-Arete students.


9/10 Update

For our next round of onsite extra classes, we will be offering sewing! Stayed tuned for more detail!
*MAPS testing September 12 from 9am-12pm for 3rd-8th grades. Make up day on Wednesday, September 19 and 21 on Chromebooks.
Law Day Field Trip this Friday, September 14th. Meet me in front of the Nevada County Courthouse by 9:10am. Court packets are in your file or cubby.
*Please pay the $6 parent/non-Arete student zoo fee by September 13th. I need to pay for everyone all at once that day when we go.
*Here is the link for two more September Events: Lay Day and Nevada County farm Day

*September 12- Maps Testing at the Rattler Den

*September 14- 5th Grade Field Trip to Nevada County Courthouse

September 17th 9:45-10:45 10-11am Garden at Cottage Hill

*September 18- Field trip to Folsom Zoo Sanctuary All non-Arete students and parents must pre-pay $6 cash each to Sarah Schwartz.

*September 19- Maps Testing Makeups at the Rattler Den

*September 21 Maps Makeups at Arete

*September 20- 9am-2pm Annual Farm Day

*September 21-  Picture re-take day at Magnolia

*October 1- Parent Advisory Committee- 12:15-1:00pm

*October 3- Guest Chef 9:40-10:10am All ages welcome!

*October 18- 9:30am Field Trip to McCourtney Road Pumpkin Patch. All ages welcome. $7 for any non-Arete students.


9/5 Update

*Picture Day is at 9:30am tomorrow at the PRUSD Board Room for any kiddos who have not been photographed yet. We sent payment fliers home and have extra at Arete if you need one or order here:
*Please pay the $6 parent/non-Arete student zoo fee by September 13th. I need to pay for everyone all at once that day when we go.
*MAPS testing September 12 from 9am-12pm for 3rd-8th grades. If your child cannot attend that day, please arrange a make up day with me if possible. I was able to see reports for other students who have completed the tests and the information shared was incredible. For each of the three subjects, it shows exactly where the students are being really successful and also the areas that we want to focus on. This will help us in individualizing their curriculum to meet their needs.
*Here is the link for two more September Events: Lay Day and Nevada County farm Day

*September 6- 10-11am Garden at Cottage Hill

*September 12- Maps Testing at the Rattler Den

*September 14- 5th Grade Field Trip to Nevada County Courthouse

September 17th 9:45-10:45 10-11am Garden at Cottage Hill

*September 18- Field trip to Folsom Zoo Sanctuary All non-Arete students and parents must pre-pay $6 cash each to Sarah Schwartz.

*September 19- Maps Testing Makeups at the Rattler Den

*September 21 Maps Makeups at Arete

*September 20- 9am-2pm Annual Farm Day

*September 21-  Picture re-take day at Magnolia

*October 1- Parent Advisory Committee- 12:15-1:00pm

*October 3- Guest Chef 9:40-10:10am All ages welcome!


9/3 Update

Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Tonight's post contains lots of great information. Please read all the way through!
*All 3-8th grade student in the PRUSD will be participating in Map Skills testing three times a year. We will test for Reading, writing, and math in September, December, and April. This is great way to drill down to pinpoint specific skill gaps and receive information on exactly how to fill those gaps. This is a different kind of testing than they have ever taken before. It measures what students are ready to learn so it asks questions that they do and do not know. It is adaptive so every student gets a unique test that is tuned in just to them. Our first MAP test is scheduled for Wednesday, September 12 from 9-12 with an additional day scheduled on September 19th for kiddos who need more time to finish or have make ups. We are asking all 3-8th grade kiddos to come on that day. These tests will give us immediate feedback about how to better tailor our curriculum to meet each kiddos needs. Please email me if you have questions.
*We are still looking for a representative for our Parent Action Committee. The first meeting is Monday, October 1 at 12:15.
*Here is the link for two more September Events: Lay Day and Nevada County farm Day

September 5- 12:15-1:15 Yoga begins

*September 6- School pictures at 9:30am at Cottage Hill. All ages welcome!

Order online at: or pick up paper forms on the first day of classes on August 27 & 28.

*September 6- 10-11am Garden at Cottage Hill

*September 12- 10-11am Garden at Cottage Hill Maps Testing at the Rattler Den

*September 14- 5th Grade Field Trip to Nevada County Courthouse

*September 18- Field trip to Folsom Zoo Sanctuary All non-Arete students and parents must pre-pay $6 cash each to Sarah Schwartz.

*September 20- 9am-2pm Annual Farm Day

*September 21-  Picture re-take day at Magnolia

*October 1- Parent Advisory Committee- 12:15-1:00pm

*October 3- Guest Chef 9:40-10:10am Guest Chef All ages welcome!


8/30 Update

Hi families,
Do you want to have input on how and what Arete does and looks like? Sign up to be on our Parent Action Committee and be part of making Arete Charter Academy an even better school! We will meet three times a year from 12:15-1pm. The first meeting is Monday, October 1 at 12:15. Bring your lunch and we will snack and plan. Students may stay in Room 7 with Mrs. Harrison while we are meeting. We are hoping to have a parent from TK-3, 4-5, 6-8 and a student representative from 6-8. Please email me if you would like to fill one of these positions.
*20 day meetings are quickly approaching, Please be checking in with your children and their educational advisors to make sure that they will have the minimum work samples of two each for Math, Science, Social Studies and Science.
*If they are working in Accelerate and completing work online, we will download and print any worksheets or Google docs they have completed. At this point of the year, any 6-8 kiddos in Accelerate Education should by showing 7% progress completed, with a minimum of 70% as their grade. They will need to be at 33% by November 16. (If they are also participating in another curriculum that number may be reduced in half.) We reviewed this information in class yesterday. You may login to their accounts with their username and password and click on Grades and see this information. I told them if they are not at 7% by the end of Friday, they should work on Labor Day to catch up. Their attendance that we report to the state and their Instructional Funding is tied to work samples and progress shown in course. Please email me with questions,
*For Peak:Fuel Ed parents,
To Skip lessons,
Login in to your Learning Coach Account.
Click on the student name under "My Students"
On the Right side of the screen, click on Action next to the subject you want to skip lessons in.
Click on "go to the classroom"
Click on Progress
Click on the subject desired.
Click on Unit List on the left.
Click on the unit.
Find the lesson and click the little green circle on the right of the screen.
Click "I want to skip this lesson"

*September 3- Arete closed for Labor Day.

September 5- 12:15-1:15 Yoga begins

*September 6- School pictures at 9:30am at Cottage Hill. All ages welcome!

Order online at: or pick up paper forms on the first day of classes on August 27 & 28.

*September 6- 10-11am Garden at Cottage Hill

*September 12- 10-11am Garden at Cottage Hill

*September 14- 5th Grade Field Trip to Nevada County Courthouse

*September 18- Field trip to Folsom Zoo Sanctuary All non-Arete students and parents must pre-pay $6 cash each to Sarah Schwartz.

*September 20- 9am-2pm Annual Farm Day

*September 21-  Picture re-take day at Magnolia


8/28 Update

We have really enjoyed working with your kiddos these past two mornings! Please remember for Peak Curriculum that we do not need any hard Lesson Guides but do need all soft workbooks and assessments for Book 1, journals and handwriting books. (We do sometimes have them pull out their handwriting books to work in while they are waiting for us.)
To sign up for 20 Day Meetings with Amanda Tamo, click here:
To sign up for 20 Day Meetings with Sarah Schwartz, click here:
To sign up for 20 day meetings with Nicole Tomasetti, click here:

*September 3- Arete closed for Labor Day.

September 5- 12:15-1:15 Yoga begins at Arete with Instructional Funds

*September 6- School pictures at 9:30am at Cottage Hill. All ages welcome!

Order online at: or pick up paper forms on the first day of classes on August 27 & 28.

*September 18- Field trip to Folsom Zoo Sanctuary All non-Arete students must pre-pay $6 cash each to Sarah Schwartz.

*September 20- 9am-2pm Annual Farm Day

*September 21-  Picture re-take day at Magnolia

This is a very powerful video for all parents!
"Tobacco, Vaping and Marijuana: A Parent’s Guide to a New Epidemic"

8/26 Update

To sign up for 20 Day Meetings with Sarah Schwartz, click here:
To sign up for 20 day meetings with Nicole Tomasetti, click here:
Here is the link Google Form for upcoming classes and the first field trip.

*In order to keep student cumulative files up to date, all incoming 7th & new to Arete 8th graders need to bring proof of Tdap booster shot (or valid medical waiver) BEFORE they start electives or attend school events at Magnolia. Students that have not presented proof of compliance with California immunization laws will not be admitted for these activities.

Important Dates

*August 27- 9am-12pm Arete Resource Center Enrichment begins for 4-8th Grade.

*August 28- 9am-12pm Arete Resource Center Enrichment begins for K-3rd Grade.

*September 3- Arete closed for Labor Day.

*September 4- 12:15-1:15 Lego Science at Arete with Instructional Funds

September 5- 12:15-1:15 Yoga at Arete with Instructional Funds

*September 6- School pictures at 9:30am at Cottage Hill. All ages welcome!

Order online at: or pick up paper forms on the first day of classes on August 27 & 28.

*September 18- Field trip to Folsom Zoo Sanctuary All non-Arete students must pre-pay $6 cash each to Sarah Schwartz.

*September 20- 9am-2pm Annual Farm Day

*September 21-  Picture re-take day at Magnolia

This is a very powerful video for all parents!
"Tobacco, Vaping and Marijuana: A Parent’s Guide to a New Epidemic"

8/24 Update

We are so excited to see our 4-8 kiddos Monday and our K-3 kiddos Tuesday. Pleas remind your kiddos to bring their charged Chromebooks, a snack and any soft books that they need to complete lessons. Students completing 6-8th grade curriculum will report to Room 8. Students completing PEAK curriculum will report to Room 7.
To sign up for 20 Day Meetings with Sarah Schwartz, click here:
To sign up for 20 day meetings with Nicole Tomasetti, click here:
Here is the link Google Form for upcoming classes and the first field trip.

*In order to keep student cumulative files up to date, all incoming 7th & new to Arete 8th graders need to bring proof of Tdap booster shot (or valid medical waiver) BEFORE they start electives or attend school events at Magnolia. Students that have not presented proof of compliance with California immunization laws will not be admitted for these activities.

Important Dates

*August 27- 9am-12pm Arete Resource Center Enrichment begins for 4-8th Grade.

*August 28- 9am-12pm Arete Resource Center Enrichment begins for K-3rd Grade.

*September 3- Arete closed for Labor Day.

*September 4- 12:15-1:15 Lego Science at Arete with Instructional Funds

September 5- 12:15-1:15 Yoga at Arete with Instructional Funds

*September 6- School pictures at 9:30am at Cottage Hill. All ages welcome!

Order online at: or pick up paper forms on the first day of classes on August 27 & 28.

*September 18- Field trip to Folsom Zoo Sanctury All non-Arete students must pre-pay $6 cash each to Sarah Schwartz.

*September 21-  Picture re-take day at Magnolia

This is a very powerful video for all parents!
"Tobacco, Vaping and Marijuana: A Parent’s Guide to a New Epidemic"

8/22 Update

We are having a great time working with you all in one on one orientations (and group ones). If you need help, we are available tomorrow and Friday. Also, we are open from 9-12 tomorrow for any Middle Schoolers who need help downloading and uploading documents. We are noticing that we are getting empty documents. I emailed the directions to kiddos, put in Edlio posts, and we went over them in our orientation, if they need to look back. But, it still is a little tricky! Please bring them in tomorrow if they need assistance!
This is a very powerful video for all parents!
"Tobacco, Vaping and Marijuana: A Parent’s Guide to a New Epidemic"
Here is the link Google Form for upcoming classes and the first field trip.

*In order to keep student cumulative files up to date, all incoming 7th & new to Arete 8th graders need to bring proof of Tdap booster shot (or valid medical waiver) BEFORE they start electives or attend school events at Magnolia. Students that have not presented proof of compliance with California immunization laws will not be admitted for these activities.

Important Dates

*August 23rd: 6th Grade Parent Meeting - Science Camp 6 PM – 6:30 PM (Yes, Arete students may attend Science Camp with Magnolia at the end of May).

*August 27- 9am-12pm Arete Resource Center Enrichment begins for 4-8th Grade.

*August 28- 9am-12pm Arete Resource Center Enrichment begins for K-3rd Grade.

*September 3- Arete closed for Labor Day.

*September 4- 12:15-1:15 Lego Science at Arete with Instructional Funds

September 5- 12:15-1:15 Yoga at Arete with Instructional Funds

*September 6- School pictures at 9:30am at Cottage Hill. All ages welcome!

Order online at: or pick up paper forms on the first day of classes on August 27 & 28.

*September 18- Field trip to Folsom Zoo Sanctury All non-Arete students must pre-pay $6 cash each to Sarah Schwartz.

*September 21-  Picture re-take day at Magnolia

For Middle School students and their parents- I also sent this to all middle school students' email accounts.

8/19 Update

Hope you all had an awesome weekend! Hopefully you received the Google Form for upcoming class and the first field trip. Here is the link:
*Monday- August 20th 10am-12pm we are holding a PEAK:Fuel Ed orientation. This is for any students (and parents- please stay) who are working on this platform. This will be a day for us to teach you about the online program and how to navigate it easily. Please bring the student copies of the workbooks they write in and their charged Chromebooks.

*In order to keep student cumulative files up to date, all incoming 7th & new to Arete 8th graders need to bring proof of Tdap booster shot (or valid medical waiver) BEFORE they start electives or attend school events at Magnolia. Students that have not presented proof of compliance with California immunization laws will not be admitted for these activities.

Important Dates

*August 16- August 24th from 8:30-2:30 the Arete Resource Center is open by appointment for additional support. Feel free to call or email with questions at any time. 268-2805 [email protected]

*Monday- August 20th 10am-12pm we are holding a PEAK:Fuel Ed orientation.

*August 23rd: 6th Grade Parent Meeting - Science Camp 6 PM – 6:30 PM (Yes, Arete students may attend Science Camp with Magnolia at the end of May).

*August 27- 9am-12pm Arete Resource Center Enrichment begins for 4-8th Grade.

*August 28- 9am-12pm Arete Resource Center Enrichment begins for K-3rd Grade.

*September 3- Arete closed for Labor Day.

*September 4- 12:15-1:15 12:15-1:15 Lego Science at Arete with Instructional Funds

September 5- 12:15-1:15 Yoga at Arete with Instructional Funds

*September 6- School pictures at 9:30am at Cottage Hill. All ages welcome!

Order online at: or pick up paper forms on the first day of classes on August 27 & 28.

*September 18- Field trip to Folsom Zoo Sanctury All non-Arete students must pre-pay $6 each to Sarah Schwartz.

*September 21-  Picture re-take day at Magnolia

For Middle School students and their parents- I also sent this to all middle school students' email accounts.
*When you get to a PDF activity, click the button to download the worksheet. Click the Open with Kami button and fill out the PDF, saving your work as you go. When you’re finished, click the Download button. Choose the settings Kami will use to export your work:  Export to Your computer and select With Annotations (PDF File).

The edited file will automatically open in Chrome. Now click Download and rename the file to include your name.

Return to your course and locate the assignment dropbox for the PDF you just completed. Click Show Dropbox, then Choose File under Add Attachment. Select the PDF, and click Open. You can leave a comment for your teacher in the Comments section. Press Save if you want to store your work online without turning it in. Once you’re ready to send your work to your teacher, press Submit.
After you’ve completed these steps, your Chromebook will automatically open new PDFs in Kami. Simply type your answers, download the worksheet, and upload your assignment as before.

8/16 Update

Day two down and you all are doing awesome at getting started.
*Monday- August 20th 10am-12pm we are holding a PEAK:Fuel Ed orientation. This is for any students (and parents- please stay) who are working on this platform. This will be a day for us to teach you about the online program and how to navigate it easily. Please bring the student copies of the workbooks they write in and their charged Chromebooks.

*This Friday our Middle School students are invited to a wonderful assembly called Ambassador's of Compassion from 9:15-10:15. Then they can come back and work at Arete until 12, so you don't have to drive back and forth so soon.

*In order to keep student cumulative files up to date, all incoming 7th & new to Arete 8th graders need to bring proof of Tdap booster shot (or valid medical waiver) BEFORE they start electives or attend school events at Magnolia. Students that have not presented proof of compliance with California immunization laws will not be admitted for these activities.

*Please call or email to schedule an appointment on Friday if you need more support starting the home school curriculum.

*We have a yoga teacher who will be offering a yoga class at Arete starting in September. You can use your instructional funding and we will pay her directly. Please let me know if you are interested!

Important Dates

*August 16- August 24th from 8:30-2:30 the Arete Resource Center is open by appointment for additional support. Feel free to call or email with questions at any time. 268-2805 [email protected]

*Monday- August 20th 10am-12pm we are holding a PEAK:Fuel Ed orientation.

*August 23rd: 6th Grade Parent Meeting - Science Camp 6 PM – 6:30 PM (Yes, Arete students may attend Science Camp with Magnolia at the end of May).

*August 27- 9am-12pm Arete Resource Center Enrichment begins for 4-8th Grade.

*August 28- 9am-12pm Arete Resource Center Enrichment begins for K-3rd Grade.

*September 3- Arete closed for Labor Day.

*September 5- 12:15-1:15 Yoga at Arete with Instructional Funds

*September 6- School pictures at 9:30am at Cottage Hill. All ages welcome!

Order online at: or pick up paper forms on the first day of classes on August 27 & 28.

*September 21,  Picture re-take day at Magnolia



8/15 Update

What a wonderful first day. I am loving getting to know your darlings!! Thanks to all of you for being patient with the process of starting this new adventure. We are available by phone or email the next few days if you need help or want to come in and we can do personal tutorials. A few notes...

*This Friday our Middle School students are invited to a wonderful assembly called Ambassador's of Compassion from 9:15-10:15. Then they can come back and work at Arete until 12, so you don't have to drive back and forth so soon. The Ambassadors of Compassion (AOC) Program revolves around giving youth the opportunity to personally examine and "experience" life-ready principles in a small group discussion setting with other youth led by a Team Coach. Weekly Calls to Action in a personal student journal have been specifically designed to help youth discover who they are, help them develop the skills to take responsibility for their own lives, and challenge them to begin taking the actual steps necessary to start working toward achieving their goals and dreams. AOC encourages and empowers youth for a successful future and helps them discover their life's purpose.

All students take a pre and post resiliency assessment survey that measures the effectiveness and the growth of students through a statistically sound and research-based approach to help understand the strengths that are related to long-term resiliency of youth.

Ambassadors of Compassion currently has a program called R.I.S.E. for Middle School which is built upon the age-old principles that every youth needs to master in order to lead a successful and fulfilling life. R.I.S.E. and L.I.F.E. is a coach-led, 12-session, interactive measured program that equips youth with resiliency, hope, and the personal leadership skills to navigate and succeed through life's inevitable challenges by imparting the critical life principles that are essential for youth to reach their full potential. As part of the program, all students are asked to engage in both a group service project and an individual service project.

The R.I.S.E. Principles:

  • R - RESPONSIBILITY (Exploring the characteristics of a responsible person and the need to take ownership of one's thoughts and actions to help accomplish one's goals and dreams in life)
  • I - INITIATIVE (Understanding that initiative is an action step based on one's decisions that results in a multitude of lasting benefits, including strong and healthy relationships and reaching one's greatness in life)
  • S - SERVICE (Discovering the importance of serving others and also serving the needs in the community)
  • E - EXPECTATIONS (Examining the power of expectations in one's relationships and in one's goals and dreams, and distinguishing and evaluating the difference between realistic and unrealistic expectations and knowing how to manage them)

This sounds like an amazing opportunity and I hope many students attend.

*All incoming 7th & new to Arete 8th graders need to bring proof of Tdap booster shot (or valid medical waiver) BEFORE they start electives or attend school events at Magnolia. Students that have not presented proof of compliance with California immunization laws will not be admitted for these activities.

*Please call or email to schedule an appointment for Thursday or Friday if you need more support starting the home school curriculum.

*We have a yoga teacher who will be offering a yoga class at Arete starting in September. You can use your instructional funding and we will pay her directly. Please let me know if you are interested!

Important Dates

*August 16- August 24th from 8:30-2:30 the Arete Resource Center is open for one on one curriculum orientation for any families who need more support. Please call or email to schedule an appointment as we want to make sure we are not meeting with someone else and are fully available to you. Feel free to call or email with questions at any time. 268-2805 [email protected]

*August 23rd: 6th Grade Parent Meeting - Science Camp 6 PM – 6:30 PM (Yes, Arete students may attend Science Camp with Magnolia at the end of May).

*August 27- 9am-12pm Arete Resource Center Enrichment begins for 4-8th Grade.

*August 28- 9am-12pm Arete Resource Center Enrichment begins for K-3rd Grade.

*September 3- Arete closed for Labor Day.

*September 5- 12:15-1:15 Yoga at Arete with Instructional Funds

*September 6- School pictures at 9:30am at Cottage Hill. All ages welcome!

Order online at: or pick up paper forms on the first day of classes on August 27 & 28.

*September 21,  Picture re-take day at Magnolia


8/14 Update

Hello there,
We are so excited to start the new school year!
*Tomorrow all students should login and begin lessons. For K-5 kiddos, the curriculum takes one-two weeks to show up at your house. I ordered curriculum the day you registered with me, so count at least a week from then. Most of their lessons can still be completed online and you can either print the worksheets or have the kiddos look at them for directions and then answer on a separate sheet of paper. You can also work ahead in the subjects that are easier to do online like spelling and vocabulary and catch up on the others when your books arrive. 3rd-5th Grade Peak math is always completed on a separate sheet of paper. You are welcome to come in to Arete and print any worksheets you need.
*Please call or email to schedule an appointment for Thursday or Friday if you need more support starting the home school curriculum.
*For students doing online Accelerate 6th-8th grade, they should come to orientation tomorrow from 9am-12pm with charged Chromebooks and a snack. Parents should plan on dropping off and picking up students, and do not need to stay.
*For school pictures taken at Magnolia on August 15, please complete your order form when you drop your kiddo off or for a small fee, order online at:
When you order please list Arete Charter Academy as the teacher. You can always purchase these pictures later and will have a shipping fee. We will have another picture day on September 6 at Cottage Hill. This year Arete will be offering Spring outdoor pictures with Aimee O'Brien Photography.
*We have a yoga teacher who will be offering a yoga class at Arete starting in September. You can use your instructional funding and we will pay here directly. Please let me know if you are interested!
*Let me know if your middle schooler is interested in Track or if your 4-8th grader is interested in band.
Important Dates
*August 15- First day students are expected to complete lessons. Please do one lesson in each subject.
*August 15- 9am-12pm Middle School online curriculum orientation.
*August 16- August 24th from 8:30-2:30 the Arete Resource Center is open for one on one curriculum orientation for any families who need more support. Please call or email to schedule an appointment as we want to make sure we are not meeting with someone else and are fully available to you. Feel free to call or email with questions at any time. 268-2805 [email protected]
*August 15- School pictures at 9:30am at Magnolia. All ages welcome!
*August 27- 9am-12pm Arete Resource Center Enrichment begins for 4-8th Grade.
*August 28- 9am-12pm Arete Resource Center Enrichment begins for K-3rd Grade.
*September 3- Arete closed for Labor Day.
*September 6- School pictures at 9:30am at Cottage Hill. All ages welcome!