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8/10 Update

Thank you all so much for your referral. It is the highest compliment you can give us. We are so excited to be welcoming so many more wonderful families to our school.
*For school pictures taken at Magnolia on August 15, please complete your order form when you drop your kiddo off or for a small fee, order online at:
When you order please list Arete Charter Academy as the teacher. You can always purchase these pictures later and will have a shipping fee. We will have another picture day on September 6 at Cottage Hill. This year Arete will be offering Spring outdoor pictures with Aimee O'Brien Photography.
*We have a yoga teacher who will be offering a yoga class at Arete starting in September. You can use your instructional funding and we will pay here directly. Please let me know if you are interested!
*Let me know if your middle schooler is interested in Track or if your 4-8th grader is interested in band.
Important Dates
*August 15- First day students are expected to complete lessons. Please do one lesson in each subject.
*August 15- 9am-12pm Middle School online curriculum orientation. Please bring Chromebooks.
*August 16- August 24th from 8:30-2:30 the Arete Resource Center is open for one on one curriculum orientation for any families who need more support. Please call or email to schedule an appointment as we want to make sure we are not meeting with someone else and are fully available to you. Feel free to call or email with questions at any time. 268-2805 [email protected]
*August 15- School pictures at 9:30am at Magnolia. All ages welcome!
*August 27- 9am-12pm Arete Resource Center Enrichment begins for 4-8th Grade.
*August 28- 9am-12pm Arete Resource Center Enrichment begins for K-3rd Grade.
*September 3- Arete closed for Labor Day.
*September 6- School pictures at 9:30am at Cottage Hill. All ages welcome!

8/3 Update

Hello there,
*Monday, August 6 is Free Kid's Yoga in Room 8 at 11am with Deanne and Ariel and all ages and Arete students and friends are invited.
*If you wanted to complete online registration, please got to:
If you did not receive a letter with your child's access ID, please email [email protected] for it.
*Please sign up for your Registration and Chromebook checkout meeting. If none of those days work, email me to set up a different date.
*August 15 from 9am-12pm we will be having a Middle School orientation for any students using online curriculum as we have contracted with a new company, Accelerate Education.
*Arete middle school students are allowed to participate in Cross Country and Track. Cross Country starts August 20th, so please let me know if your child is interested!

7/27 Update

Good morning amazing Arete families! It was so exciting to see many of you at Kid's Yoga and our Family Information Meeting yesterday. Thanks to referrals from so many of you, we are quickly growing. We have been in at the Resource Center getting ready and can't wait for the new school year to start!
If you have not signed up for Registration and Chromebook Checkout, please do so here. If none of those times work, please email me and we will arrange something for the following week.
Please sign up for a 30 minute spot for every two students enrolled if your child was enrolled at Arete last year. If your child is new to Arete and you feel like they will need more time, feel free to sign up for a 30 minute spot per child. Your child will be completing an Accelerated Reader test that day and we will be reviewing all registration paperwork. In the comments, please indicate whether you would like us to mail you a paper packet before this meeting or if you will complete the registration online prior to your meeting. If you choose online forms, Forms are being finalized now, so I will let you know when and where they are ready! Students will take their Chromebooks home that day to start becoming familiar with them, and then the curriculum will be live and ready to go on August 15th unless you made prior arrangements. The Arete Resource Center will begin classes on Monday, August 27th at 9am. From looking at the Google Form, K-3 students will attend on Tuesday and Thursday and 4-8 students will attend on Mondays and Wednesdays. Thanks and as always, please email me with questions.
Thanks so much and enjoy the rest of the summer!!

6/4 Update

Hello there,
I cannot believe how quickly this year has flown by. It has been an amazing adventure and I am so happy that you and your children have joined us for the delightful ride. A few last reminders...
*“Arete Highlights/Digital Yearbook” 2017-2018 Just complete and return this form with your check/cash to Arete or the Rattler PIT to order your personal copy.  


Student’s Name: ____________________________   
Number of SD copies - $10.00 donation each: __________

Number of Blu-Ray copies - $15.00 donation each: __________

Amount Enclosed: ___________

Check #___________ Cash ____________

Please make checks payable to:  PRSD

 *June 6- 5:30-6:30 Arete Promotion and Family Celebration.
*June 7- Last day of school- students still need to complete lessons everyday until this day. All lesson must be turned in by 1:20pm to count towards attendance for Session #9.

5/31 Update

We are so excited that Rattler Pit Productions is creating an Arete Highlights/Digital Yearbook DVD. Please order ASAP. You can print this order form or we have one waiting in the Arete Resource Center for you. Also, please email me any pictures you have from our amazing year together.

“Arete Highlights/Digital Yearbook”

Arete Charter Academy

Leave the video camera at home and

leave the work to us!

The Rattler PIT Production Crew is creating an opportunity for you to expand your family’s digital archive of this special year  and enjoy this production for years to come. We will video the production, edit, and offer the final product on SD (Standard Definition) or Blu-ray (High Definition, you must have a Blu-ray player).  The final production will be completed by the end of school.  

Just complete and return this form with your check/cash to Arete or the Rattler PIT to order your personal copy.  

Student’s Name: ____________________________   
Number of SD copies - $10.00 donation each: __________

Number of Blu-Ray copies - $15.00 donation each: __________

Amount Enclosed: ___________

Check #___________ Cash ____________

Please make checks payable to:  PRSD

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity!

Sit back, relax and enjoy the show!  

Order DVDs from past performances at

Every performance we have filmed since 2004-2005 is archived.

Digital Yearbook  2017-2018

5/30 Update

Hi there,
*Please let us know what your plans are for your child's education next year so we can best be prepared for the new school year. Complete this form here.
Please sign up for the last 20 day meeting.
*For Mrs. Lavelle- click here-
*For Ms. Schwartz- Conferences scheduled (Tues & Wed) click here-
*To return  Peak: Fuel Ed or Magnolia books and Chromebooks with Mrs. Harrison- (Wed & Thur) click here-
This is a separate meeting from your 20 day meeting with your Educational Advisor. Please sign up with Mrs. Harrison to turn in all books and your Chromebook.  If you are using your Chromebook to finish Peak lessons over the summer, please bring the computer, case, and charger in to have it inspected and re-issued. Please call the Arete office at 268-2805 with questions.
*Finally, we will be having a family end of the year celebration and first annual Arete Promotion Ceremony on Wednesday, June 6th under the trees outside the Arete Resource Center from 5:30-6:30. We will provide drinks and cake and are asking families to bring snacks to share. This will be a lovely time to meet or visit with other Arete families and celebrate our first successful Arete student who is promoting to high school.
*June 6- 5:30-6:30 Arete Promotion and Family Celebration.
*June 7- Last day of school- students still need to complete lessons everyday until this day.

5/25 Update

Please remember that Monday, May 28 is Memorial Day and Arete Charter Academy offices will be closed.
Tuesday is the last day for K-5 classes and Wednesday is the last day for 6-8 classes. Please bring your favorite toppings for our ice cream sundae party.
All students must take a STAR Accelerated Reader test by Wednesday.
Enjoy your weekend!

5/24 Update

Hi there,
Before May 30th, we need all First-Eighth Grade students to come in to the Arete Resource Center to take a reading test.
*Please let us know what your plans are for your child's education next year so we can best be prepared for the new school year. Complete this form here.
Please sign up for the last 20 day meeting.
*For Mrs. Lavelle- click here-
*For Ms. Schwartz- Conferences scheduled (Tues & Wed) click here-
*To return  Peak: Fuel Ed or Magnolia books and Chromebooks with Mrs. Harrison- (Wed & Thur) click here-
This is a separate meeting from your 20 day meeting with your Educational Advisor. Please sign up with Mrs. Harrison to turn in all books and your Chromebook.  If you are using your Chromebook to finish Peak lessons over the summer, please bring the computer, case, and charger in to have it inspected and re-issued. Please call the Arete office at 268-2805 with questions.
*We are planning our end of the year activities at Arete. Please send in empty cereal, cracker, etc boxes, rinsed out milk or juice containers, paper towel rolls. Our our last day of class for our K-5 kiddos, we are going to have a morning of creating imaginary creatures from clean recyclables. (We will have regular lessons and library until 11.) We also will be having an ice cream party at 11:30. We will provide ice cream, cups and bowls. Please send in any toppings to share that your children enjoy.
*For 6-8 kiddos, on their last day, we also will be having an ice cream party at 11:00. We will provide ice cream, cups and bowls. Please send in any toppings to share that your children enjoy.
*Finally, we will be having a family end of the year celebration and first annual Arete Promotion Ceremony on Wednesday, June 6th under the trees outside the Arete Resource Center from 5:30-6:30. We will provide drinks and cake and are asking families to bring snacks to share. This will be a lovely time to meet or visit with other Arete families and celebrate our first successful Arete student who is promoting to high school.
*May 28 Arete Resource Center is closed in honor of Memorial Day.
*May 29 is the last day of the Arete Resource Center for K-5. Ice cream party at 11:30am.
*May 30 is the last day of the Arete Resource Center for 6-8. Ice cream party at 11am.
*June 6 5:30-6:30 Arete Promotion and Family Celebration.
Students still need to complete lessons everyday after that, but we will be working on finishing up the billing, paperwork, report cards, 20 day meetings, and binders for this year.
*June 5- Monterey Bay Aquarium Reservation Home School Day-

5/21 Update

Hi there,
Before May 30th, we need all First-Eighth Grade students to come in to the Arete Resource Center to take a reading test to show their progress over the school year. We will use these scores on their report cards and to report on growth in our LCAP that goes before the PRUSD board and the Nevada County Superintendent of Schools office.
If students regularly come in to the Arete Resource Center, they can take it then. If not, or if they will be at 6th Grade Science camp this week, please make sure to bring them in any day between 8:30am-2:30pm to complete the test. it should take less than 30 minutes. Thanks so much!
*Please let us know what your plans are for your child's education next year so we can best be prepared for the new school year. Complete this form here.
Please sign up for the last 20 day meeting.
*For Mrs. Lavelle- click here-
*For Ms. Schwartz- Conferences scheduled (Tues & Wed) click here-
*To return  Peak: Fuel Ed or Magnolia books and Chromebooks with Mrs. Harrison- (Wed & Thur) click here-
This is a separate meeting from your 20 day meeting with your Educational Advisor. Please sign up with Mrs. Harrison to turn in all books and your Chromebook.  If you are using your Chromebook to finish Peak lessons over the summer, please bring the computer, case, and charger in to have it inspected and re-issued. Please call the Arete office at 268-2805 with questions.
*We are planning our end of the year activities at Arete. Please send in empty cereal, cracker, etc boxes, rinsed out milk or juice containers, paper towel rolls. Our our last day of class for our K-5 kiddos, we are going to have a morning of creating imaginary creatures from clean recyclables. (We will have regular lessons and library until 11.) We also will be having an ice cream party at 11:30. We will provide ice cream, cups and bowls. Please send in any toppings to share that your children enjoy.
*For 6-8 kiddos, on their last day, we also will be having an ice cream party at 11:00. We will provide ice cream, cups and bowls. Please send in any toppings to share that your children enjoy.
*Finally, we will be having a family end of the year celebration and first annual Arete Promotion Ceremony on Wednesday, June 6th under the trees outside the Arete Resource Center from 5:30-6:30. We will provide drinks and cake and are asking families to bring snacks to share. This will be a lovely time to meet or visit with other Arete families and celebrate our first successful Arete student who is promoting to high school.
*May 28 Arete Resource Center is closed in honor of Memorial Day.
*May 29 is the last day of the Arete Resource Center for K-5. Ice cream party at 11:30am.
*May 30 is the last day of the Arete Resource Center for 6-8. Ice cream party at 11am.
*June 6 5:30-6:30 Arete Promotion and Family Celebration.
Students still need to complete lessons everyday after that, but we will be working on finishing up the billing, paperwork, report cards, 20 day meetings, and binders for this year.
*June 5- Monterey Bay Aquarium Reservation Home School Day-

STAR Accelerated Reading

Hi there,
Before May 30th, we need all First-Eighth Grade students to come in to the Arete Resource Center to take a reading test to show their progress over the school year. We will use these scores on their report cards and to report on growth in our LCAP that goes before the PRUSD board and the Nevada County Superintendent of Schools office.
If students regularly come in to the Arete Resource Center, they can take it then. If not, or if they will be at 6th Grade Science camp next week, please make sure to bring them in any day between 8:30am-2:30pm to complete the test. it should take less than 30 minutes. Thanks so much!

5/16 Update

Thanks to all who came on our lovely farm field trip yesterday and attended our Arete Parent Meeting last night. It was so awesome to get all of your powerful input! We have lots of news coming for the end of the year.
*Please let us know what your plans are for your child's education next year so we can best be prepared for the new school year. Complete this form here.
*We are planning our end of the year activities at Arete. Please send in empty cereal, cracker, etc boxes, rinsed out milk or juice containers, paper towel rolls. Our our last day of class for our K-5 kiddos, we are going to have a morning of creating imaginary creatures from clean recyclables. (We will have regular lessons and library until 11.) We also will be having an ice cream party at 11:30. We will provide ice cream, cups and bowls. Please send in any toppings to share that your children enjoy.
*For 6-8 kiddos,on their last day, we also will be having an ice cream party at 11:00. We will provide ice cream, cups and bowls. Please send in any toppings to share that your children enjoy.
*Finally, we will be having a family end of the year celebration and first annual Arete Promotion Ceremony on Wednesday, June 6th under the trees outside the Arete Resource Center from 5:30-6:30. We will provide drinks and cake and are asking families to bring snacks to share. This will be a lovely time to meet or visit with other Arete families and celebrate our first successful Arete student who is promoting to high school.
*May 28 Arete Resource Center is closed in honor of Memorial Day.
*May 29 is the last day of the Arete Resource Center for K-5. Ice cream party at 11:30am.
*May 30 is the last day of the Arete Resource Center for 6-8. Ice cream party at 11am.
*June 6 5:30-6:30 Arete Promotion and Family Celebration.
Students still need to complete lessons everyday after that, but we will be working on finishing up the billing, paperwork, report cards, 20 day meetings, and binders for this year.
*June 5- Monterey Bay Aquarium Reservation Home School Day-

5/14 Update

Hi there,
*Tomorrow from 10:30-12pm with a picnic lunch after (bring a towel or blanket to sit on) is our Farm Field Trip. Please join us and sign up as the farm plans stations based on ages of students. The Arete Resource Center will be closed due to the field trip. The farm is at 15691 Lewis Road, Nevada City and we can park in the driveway. Bring water, sun, sunscreen, etc. Limited bathroom facilities, so use the bathroom before you come if possible.
*May 15 5:30-6:30 Please come help us plan our future for Arete Charter Academy! Child care is provided.
 *May 29 is the last day of the Arete Resource Center for K-5.
 *May 30 is the last day of the Arete Resource Center for 6-8.
Students still need to complete lessons everyday after that, but we will be working on finishing up the billing, paperwork, report cards, 20 day meetings, and binders for this year.
*June 5- Monterey Bay Aquarium Reservation Home School Day-

5/9 Update

Hi there,
*Next Tuesday from 10:30-12pm with a picnic lunch after is our
Farm Field Trip. Please join us and sign up as the farm plans stations based on ages of students. The Arete Resource Center will be closed due to the field trip.
*May 15 5:30-6:30 Please come help us plan our future for Arete Charter Academy! Child care is provided.
 *May 29 is the last day of the Arete Resource Center for K-5.
 *May 30 is the last day of the Arete Resource Center for 6-8.
Students still need to complete lessons everyday after that, but we will be working on finishing up the billing, paperwork, report cards, 20 day meetings, and binders for this year.
*June 5- Monterey Bay Aquarium Reservation Home School Day-

Reservations for the 2018–19 school year will open in June 2018.

Our Home School Program will be offered Mondays from October 1, 2018, through March 25, 2019, not including holidays.

Group Information:

Online reservations for the Home School Program will open at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, June 5. You can join the online waiting room at any time between 8 and 9 a.m. and at 9:01 a.m., everyone in the waiting room will be randomly assigned a place in line to make a Home School reservation. Anyone that begins the reservation process after 9:01 a.m. will be placed at the end of the waiting room queue. Our reservation process is accessible through all devices! 
Please note the following before making your reservation:
  • Each home school family must have a confirmed reservation to qualify for free admission.
  • Book one entry time for up to five students (ages 3-18).
  • Children ages two and under are admitted free of charge and do not need to be included in reservation numbers.
  • One adult per student may book complimentary admission as a chaperone. A single chaperone can bring up to five students. The maximum reservation size is five students and five chaperones. If your student numbers decrease on the day of your visit, your free chaperone entries will reduce in kind.
  • Multiple reservations in the same person's name will not be accepted.
  • If a group of home school families would like to visit on the same date, each family will need to make its own reservation.
*Please take our survey for Arete. We use this information to plan for next year and to say what we would like our school to be like in the future. This is completely anonymous and helps gives us important information that we will need to write our Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). It only take a few minutes!

5/7 Update

Hi there,
*Tonight is the South County Community Safety Meeting from 6:30-8:00 at the Bear River High School Theater. Come learn about all of the things schools and law enforcement are doing to keep out students safe at schools.
Tomorrow should be our last day of CAASP testing, (as long as they finish all tests and have no make ups). I am so proud of them for working so diligently at a hard task!
*Next Tuesday from 10:30-12pm with a picnic lunch after is our
Farm Field Trip. Please join us and sign up as the farm plans stations based on ages of students.
All Arete students need to have their 20 day meetings next week (Mrs. Lavelle has a few that carry to the next week, that's ok) as Session #8 ends on May 10th. If students come in to Arete to work, we can help them to complete work for the meeting. All students need to have two work samples for math, English Language Arts, Science and Social Studies. PE records and assignment logs. Please make sure you have all of the paperwork collected and ready to turn it in!
*May 8- 9:05-10:58 3-8 grades CAASP testing A2
*May 15- 10:30-12 Farm Field Trip
 *May 29 is the last day of the Arete Resource Center for K-5.
 *May 30 is the last day of the Arete Resource Center for 6-8.
Students still need to complete lessons everyday after that, but we will be working on finishing up the billing, paperwork, report cards, 20 day meetings, and binders for this year.
*Please take our survey for Arete. We use this information to plan for next year and to say what we would like our school to be like in the future. This is completely anonymous and helps gives us important information that we will need to write our Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). It only take a few minutes!