Irrigation Help For the Garden, Sami's Circuit, and Dragon's Craft Fair

The big day arrives tomorrow! Please come shop our amazing craft fair from 12:30-1:30. We are having a super raffle and face painting. We would love to see you!
Sami's Circuit came today and it was amazing. So much student, parent and teacher participation. Here is the first set of videos and we will play them weekly in class and post them here for at home families to use!

Movement is Key

Sami uses Movement to help Tex beat the blues when he’s stuck indoors during an unusual Texas snowstorm. Includes 10 mins. exercise + 2-minute cooldown.


Arete Charter Academy - You are amazing!

Your school or after school program has enrolled in Sami's Circuit On Demand. This program provides weekly SEL videos tailored for two groups of grades (K-3 and 4-6), optional discussion worksheets, digital downloads, and virtual family nights. Click here for more information.


New to Sami’s Circuit?

If you haven’t started yet, watch the Kick-Off Video here!


This week’s featured video:

Movement is Key

Sami uses Movement to help Tex beat the blues when he’s stuck indoors during an unusual Texas snowstorm. Includes 10 mins. exercise + 2-minute cooldown.

PreK-3 Grades

Contains more cartoons and all of Sami’s dress-up characters.

K-3 worksheet

4-6+ Grades

A straight-talk, motivational speaking approach, age-appropriate characters. now
I recently applied for a garden grant from Raleys and we received $2000. We currently only have water coming to the garden from Oct-April each year when our NID holding pond is full. That makes it pretty prohibitive what we can plant in the garden each year. We would like to spend the money on creating irrigation from a building to the garden. We are hoping we have a parent or a parent with a connection that we could reach out to. Please email me at [email protected] if you have any suggestions for us. Thanks!