Sunday, September 4 Update

Good Evening families!

Next week will continue to be extremely hot. PLEASE send your kiddo with a water bottle. We have two cold water refill stations on campus, one in the MPR and one in the nurse’s office just off the corner of the front office, but kiddos NEED a water bottle to refill. We have small dixie cups for those who forget, but that is not sufficient in temperatures this high!

Fall 2022 Field Trips

We are so excited to offer a new round of field trips. For the days of September 3-7, please sign up for one field trip so all families have access. After that you may sign up for as many as you would like. Please pay attention to age restrictions. Please watch dates closely and make note of the field trips that require prepayment for adult chaperones. Please pay 2 weeks early in the Arete office with exact cash, check made to PRSD, or at Mealtime$20 minimum). We pre-pay for all Arete students so if you need to cancel with less than a week's notice, you will need to reimburse Arete for the field trip fee for your child. All field trips will start at the field trip location with check in 15 minutes before the start time. Families are responsible for making transportation arrangements for their children. Families typically join the field trip. Please email at [email protected] if you need to drop off and pick up your child.


Fall Field Trips 2022


Nevada County Farm Day- Wednesday, September 14– 9am-12pm 3rd-5th Grades

Meet the Arete teacher at Gate 5 promptly at 9am. There will be a snack break and lunch picnic time together. Food is not provided or available for purchase. Make sure you and your children bring water and any snacks you might want. Water fountains will be available to re-fill containers. Please, no glass bottles.

B Street Theatre Friday, October 14- 11:30-1pm Ages 4 and up 


Parents must prepay $13 by September 29 for themselves and any non-Arete guests they bring, including siblings aged four and up. Please pay ASAP and do not make us remind you several times to pay. Arrive early to secure parking and meet an Arete teacher in front of the theater at 11am. The field trip group will enter and be seated at 11:15 and there are no late arrivals allowed. There is no food, drink, or backpacks allowed in the theater. Based on the book by Arnold Lobel Based on the classic stories by Arnold Lobel, A Year with Frog and Toad leaps from the B Street stage! Follow two best friends, the cheerful Frog and the grumpy Toad, as they hop, sing, and dance their way through a year of adventure. As the seasons change from spring to fall, these beloved characters learn lessons about life and the importance of friendship.

California State Capitol Museum- Friday, November 18- 10:30-12pm. TK and Up

Arrive early to secure parking and clear security. Meet the Arete teacher at the Information Desk in the 1st Floor Rotunda at 10:15 as the tour starts promptly at 10:30. After the tour, meet up with Arete families for a picnic lunch on the beautiful Capitol grounds.

The California State Capitol is the seat of the California government, located in Sacramento, the capital of California. The Capitol building serves as both a museum and the state’s working seat of government.  The building houses the chambers of the California State Legislature, made up of the California State Assembly and the California State Senate, along with the office of the Governor of California.  Visitors to the Capitol can at once experience California’s rich history and witness the making of history through the modern lawmaking process.


Please remember that we are a NUT FREE school as we have several students with severe nut allergies. Kiddos may enjoy nut free granola bars and spreads on their sandwiches and all the nut free favorites when away from Arete. Thanks!


We will start Friday, September 9th from 12:30-1:10. All ages are invited, the club is FREE and chess sets are provided. Please RSVP to [email protected] so we have an idea of numbers. Mr. Walsh is our District
Psychologist is our fearless leader and he is passionate about bringing chess to kids! He recommends  kids sign up on and put [email protected] (his email) as the guardian.  Our district bought dozens of Gold Memberships that are not being utilized and they are free to Arete students. This is a super fun, mulitage club!

*Arete T- Shirts are for sale in the front office- We are excited to announce that we will have kid and adult sized Arete red t-shirts for sale with our dragon logo on them for $10 and half of the proceeds go back to the chicken/garden/library/orchard fund.


Labor Day

Monday, September 5th, is Labor Day. School will not be in session. Enjoy your 3-day weekend!


School Safety in Nevada County

Nevada County Superintendent of Schools invites families and community members to attend one of two informational school safety meetings. Local law enforcement, fire services, and Office of Emergency Services will provide valuable information on collaborative efforts and plans to keep students and staff safe on Nevada County school sites.

  • Monday, September 12th:  6:00pm - 8:00pm @ Bear River High School
  • Tuesday, September 13th: 6:00pm - 8:00pm @ Nevada Union High School

You can also attend via Zoom:

September 12th:

September 13th:




*Supply and Curriculum Orders are backed up in the MPR. Some have been sitting there for 2-3 weeks. If you have received an email to come pick up supplies and curriculum, it would be super helpful if you would come and pick it up. You can pull up to the delivery spot to the right of the Arete building and we can help you load it up. We are hoping to wrap up the last of the orders that need to go out this week, so if you have not received an email yet, you will soon. Thanks for your patience!


*Sign up for our Arete Charter Academy Family Facebook Group here...

Arete Charter Academy Family Group


*We are so excited to announce the release of an unprecedented amount of amazing enrichment classes being offered this Fall. The sign up is in ABC order. BMS students receive electives as part of their program, so if parents sign them up here, they will need to pay out of pocket. Reminder that these are the only items that DO Not need to be added to an Arete budget form as we can track them on the Sign Up. Please, do not schedule a series class and the individual classes for the same day. If you do, we will cancel the individual classes as you cannot be double booked. Fall Enrichment Sign Ups are HERE

Dates for the 2022-2023 School Year

*September 5- Labor Day- No School for Students

*September 6-8. Library starts this week!

*September 7- 9:15 Garden Parent Training

*September 7- 2:45 Warm Up- CC Weimer Hills Meet 4-8th Grades

*September 8- 9:15 Garden Parent Training

*September 9- 12:30-1:10 Chess Club

20 Day Meetings- Popsicles in office for all students who turn EVERY single thing DURING their meeting.

*September 10- 7:30 Warm Up- CC Nevada Union Invitational 6-8th Grades