Library, Film and Food Help for Spring Break News

This is just a friendly reminder that when books are ready to be returned to our Arete library, they must be turned into a blue return basket at the front office or in the library.
When books are placed directly on the shelf without me entering them back into the computer, they get "lost". Going through this system ensures that books go back to their proper location and you do not get charged for it being lost at the end of the year.
Thank you for enjoying our library!
Permission slips were sent home today to Tk-3rd grade students about the possibility in participating in a documentary film on kindness and selfishness. This is completely voluntary and not required. If you return the permission slip, students will be interviewed Tuesday, May 3rd. If you have questions, please email  if you have questions contact Catherine Busch, the filmmaker at [email protected].
We're inquiring to see if there is a need for some supplemental food bags for students during Spring break beginning 4/11. Bags would be dropped off to us April 7 or 8th and then would need to be picked up in the front office. Please let me know by 3/30 if this would be helpful.