4/4 Update

We had such a lovely field trip yesterday. Thanks to all who came!
A few important reminders- please read all the way through.
*All 5th and 7th graders must complete Physical Fitness testing for the state of California. At Arete, our date will be Wednesday, April 25th at 9am. Students need to be dressed in athletic shoes and clothes and be ready to run. Please let me know if you need to schedule a make up day as I have to coordinate with the school nurse to have her complete her part of the test.
*Next Tuesday, we are attending Book Fair at Cottage Hill. Please send money if you would like your kiddo to shop!
*If you have not already done so, please sign up for your next 20 day meeting. All meetings need to be held by April 9th. 
To sign up with Sarah, click here-
To sign up with Laura, click here-
*Please take our survey for Arete. This is completely anonymous and helps gives us important information that we will need to write our Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). It only take a few minutes!