3/21 Update

Hello there,
I am leaving bright and early tomorrow morning to travel to UC Riverside in my position as Director of Odyssey of the Mind for the PRUSD. I will be returning Sunday night. The Arete Resource Center will run as normally and will be staffed by DeAnne Harrison and Amanda Tamo (our awesome sub who was here Tuesday with us). Please feel free to email me, DeAnne at [email protected] or Laura at [email protected] with questions and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you and wish us luck!
*If you have not already signed up for your Session #7 20 Day meeting, please do so now.
To sign up with Sarah Schwartz, click here...
To sign up with Laura Lavelle, click here...
*Bring Chromebooks to class this week.
*Spring Break is March 26-30.
*Monday, April 2 is a Snow Day and Arete will be closed.
*Tuesday, April 3 Maidu Museum in Roseville 11-12 tour and then picnic lunch.
Maidu Museum Field Trip- Please complete Form.
 *Track and Field Season is coming at Magnolia and Arete students may participate.The season is April 3-May 10 for 6-8th graders and runs Tuesday-Thursdays from 3:30-5pm. Please let me know if you are interested!