12/18 Update

Tomorrow morning Mrs. Harrison and I will be cooking breakfast for the kiddos including pancakes and hot cocoa. They are welcome to wear their pajamas for our fun day. We are!!! We will start at 9:15 with our regular lessons, eat at 10, head to library and recess time at 10:20. After library at 11 we will do a few more lessons and art projects before pick up at 12. If your kiddo is coming for breakfast, it would be lovely if you sent them with some fruit, cooked scrambled eggs, cooked bacon, or cooked sausage to share with the class.  (We have a microwave we can use to re-heat) Middle schoolers please come! We would love to see you and have a special gift for you!
Thursday we are decorating Christmas cookies at 10:30 and would love to see our Arete kiddos of all ages here.