12/13 Update

What a fun time we had yesterday glazing our pottery from last week and creating some new beautiful Christmas artwork!
Next week on Tuesday, Mrs. Harrison and I will be cooking breakfast for the kiddos including pancakes and hot cocoa. They are welcome to wear their pajamas for our fun day. We will start at 9:15 with our regular lessons, eat at 10, head to library and recess time at 10:20. After library at 11 we will do a few more lessons and art projects before pick up at 12. If your kiddo is coming for breakfast, it would be lovely if you sent them with some fruit, cooked scrambled eggs, cooked bacon, or cooked sausage to share with the class.  (We have a microwave we can use to re-heat)
Below I am including traffic routines for Cottage Hill. As we share the road with them, we want to make sure we are following all of their safety rules. Thanks so much!

Traffic Routines for Cottage Hill

Afternoon, Front of School

While it might not seem to make sense, there really is a plan to the Cottage Hill traffic routine! When everyone follows the routine, we get cars in and out safely, even though it is not fast…

As you prepare to turn left or right from Magnolia Road toward the school, please know:

There is only ONE LANE OF TRAFFIC entering Kingston Lane

Be courteous and alternate between left turning and right turning vehicles

Under no circumstances should anyone enter Kingston Lane on the wrong side of the road

Once on Kingston:

Once past the guardrail, the gravel shoulder can be used as a second lane

The LEFT LANE (closest to the double yellow line) is for “curbside pick up”

The RIGHT LANE (on the gravel shoulder) is for accessing the parking lot

*If you are trying to park, drive on the right and carefully turn left in front of the waiting vehicles

*If you are picking up, wait until there is space along the curb before turning in

Exiting the Parking Lot:

There are two lanes leaving the parking lot, merging into Kingston Lane traffic

Mrs. Montero will stop traffic to allow the buses to leave in a timely manner

Hot Tips to Avoid the Traffic and Keep Those Cars Moving:

Traffic backs up on Magnolia by 1:50 (12:50 Fridays), and clears out by 2:05 (1:05 Fridays)…

Come at 2:05 and you will not have to wait in traffic!

Pull as far forward in line as possible, and be alert when the car ahead of you moves forward

Be aware that people may be crossing; PLEASE CROSS AT THE STOP SIGN, TOP OF HILL

Look left before pulling away from the curb

Obey traffic laws at all times