11/6 Update

Hello there! Hope you are enjoying this cooler Fall weather. We are coming up to our next 20 day meeting time. If you have not already done so, please log in to Sign Up Genius and select a time. All meetings will need to be next Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday as I will be leaving for a Charter School Conference from Wednesday afternoon-Friday. DeAnne will still be here working in the office and running classes on Thursday morning. I will be available by email.
Also, on Tuesday November 21, we will be heading to the Narrow Gauge Railroad Museum in Nevada City for a special tour (weather permitting). This will include a trip on the Railbus. We will not have classes or library that morning as we are meeting at the museum at 10am. Please bring a sack lunch.Please let me know if you are able to attend. All family members are welcome!
Finally, we have Wednesday, November 22 off for Thanksgiving Break. Happy Fall!