CAASPP Parent and Student Night Grades 3-8th

CAASPP Parent and Student Night Grades 3-8th
2/6/2025, 5:00 PM 6:30 PM

Reminder that this awesome event is THIS Thursday. I’ll be bringing pizza, salad, and juice!

Every year, students in grades 3-8 complete CAASPP testing in the spring.  CAASPP testing results are reported to the state and we use the results of these tests to help keep our charter open. We are looking to show growth each year. Many families have questions about how to help their children practice and prepare, and this night is for you!  Please join us for a welcome dinner from 5:00 - 5:30 followed by an informative session and training from 5:30 - 6:30.

Bring your questions and a charged Chromebook if you have one (chromebooks can also be checked out to families during the event).  We will go over basic testing information, answer questions, and complete practice test walk-throughs to help your family learn about the CAASPP testing platform and how your children can practice at home.  This is a great opportunity for both confident tester and students who struggle with testing anxiety. Also very helpful for students in the Blended Middle School Program! You don't want to miss this important event! We will be handing out raffle prizes to attendees!

CAASPP Parent and Student Night 3-8th Grades

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