CAASP Testing 3rd - 8th Grades Room 1
- What
- CAASP Testing 3rd - 8th Grades Room 1
- When
- 5/8/2023, 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
CAASP testing will begin mid April. Please sign up early to get spots that work with your schedule. PRSD will be conducting in person testing only. These assessments help us monitor what our students have learned throughout the year. They also help us to see if there are areas in our curriculum or program that we need to improve upon. The state of California uses these assessments to make sure our students are working toward grade level standards. All third through eighth grade students are required to take four assessments- two each in Math and Language Arts. Also, fifth and eighth graders need to take a Science assessment. Monday, April 17 the Arete Resource Center will be open for testing only. Mondays April 17 and 24 and May 1 and 8, Room 1 will be for CAASP Testing and Room 2 will be for the Hybrid 4-8th grade students. The Blended Middle School will test during their time on campus, so please DO NOT sign them up for any slots. The Resource Center will run as normal all of the other days. Some students may not complete their testing in this allotted amount of time so we will have some make up times at the end of testing. Students should plan on staying from 9am-12pm and should bring their charged Chromebooks that Arete has loaned them. Only if you do not have an Arete Chromebook, will we check one out to you. Computers from home will not work on the secure server. We have extra chromebooks on site for students who do not have an Arete Chromebook (Those are the only kind that have a password for our internet). Please come at 8:50 to check out a Chromebook if needed. Also, bring any books/supplies needed to complete lessons when they are done testing for the day. PLEASE have kiddos bring in their OWN water bottles and snacks. This testing is required by the state as mentioned in your Master Agreement. Please email me with questions.