Sunday, April 28 Update

Hello all,

Our wonderful librarian Mrs. Cindy is moving home to Alaska this summer. We are so sad to lose her. We know that she is irreplaceable, but we are hoping to get someone great to come to Arete. Here is the posting. Please share with anyone who might be interested in working at the happiest school on Earth. Charter School Clerk/Librarian-Arete Charter Academy 2024/25


Arete 8th Grade Promotion 2024-

We are starting to plan our Arete 8th Grade Promotion for Wednesday, June 5 at 5:30pm.  We invite families to bring a picnic dinner and blankets/chairs and come at 5pm to have dinner together with our Arete community. We will have a promotion ceremony and students will receive a diploma on the stage and then we will pass out cake. We are hoping to have a student speech and a student musical guest. Please let me know if you are or are not interested in having your child participate. Please submit this form by Monday, May 15 so we can start planning this awesome event! We will also be hosting a really nice 8th Grade Breakfast at 9am on the last day the Blended program is on campus, May 30 at 9am. ALL 8th graders who are enrolled at Arete and are eligible to promote are invited to attend both the promotion and/or breakfast! Sign up here…Arete 8th Grade Promotion 2024


I recently applied for a garden grant from Raleys and we received $2000. We currently only have water coming to the garden from Oct-April each year when our NID holding pond is full. That makes it pretty prohibitive what we can plant in the garden each year. We would like to spend the money on creating irrigation from a building to the garden. We are hoping we have a parent or a parent with a connection that we could reach out to. Please email me at [email protected] if you have any suggestions for us. Thanks!


3-8th Grade CAASPP & 5th & 7th Grade Physical Fitness Testing 2023  Starts this week. Please send your kiddo with their charged Chromebook (if they have an Arete issued one), a snack, water bottle, and some lessons to work on if they finish testing early. They can complete one test tomorrow before the break, and then can start the second test after the break if they are ready. Teachers will walk them down to the front of school for pick up at 11:55. If they get done early, they can read their book or work on their lessons. We will also have a drawing at the end of each testing session to reward kiddos for coming in and trying their hardest. We all KNOW that there are many ways to show growth and that state testing is only one way. We will do everything we can to make their environment non-stressful where our sweet kiddos are encouraged to try their best and show what they have learned this year!


*Arete’s Blended Middle School has created our 3rd amazing yearbook and you can purchase your yearbook now to have delivery by the Fun Field Days at the end of May. Go here… and enter passcode: 101636661669265. The deadline for custom pages is April 26th and the deadline for ordering the yearbook is May 2nd.


*Parent Appreciation Day is coming! Grandparents who help out are invited too! On Friday, May 17 from 9:30-10 I will be running my coffee/tea bar without accompanying breakfast snacks. Then at 10am, our dearly missed yoga teacher, Amy Ford, will return to lead all of you in a refreshing and relaxing yoga class. Arete staff will provide babysitting services! We hope you can come join us!


*Here is the outline for all of the April SEL Lessons broken up by grade level. I have attached the Layout document for the specific grade levels. In each layout I have included; the summary of this month's theme, a video link with discussion/talking points, and a resiliency booster activity with a link.


Overall Monthly Theme: Lift the Weight


Let’s taco-bout how great you are - Taco bar

We only have a few weeks left and still have not received any donations and we need your help!

Hi Arete Family! Staff appreciation week is coming up in May! We are planning lots of special treats for our amazing staff but we need your help to make it possible. I have attached a signup for one of the days. Be on the lookout for more to come. Also we are in need of monetary donations so we can provide the staff with chair massages and some other fun things. Please contact Samantha Randall if you can contribute financially. We also need help with setting up and cleaning up. Please message me if you can help in any way. THANK YOU!!!

*Want to Sign Up For the Resource Center- do so here

Spring Enrichments- Sign up here

3-8th Grade CAASPP & 5th & 7th Grade Physical Fitness Testing 2023


*2023-2024 Field Trips- Sign up here

*Have Photos For the Yearbook? Email to [email protected]

Want to join Arete’s Private Family Group on Facebook- do so here. Arete Charter Academy Family Group


Remember to email Sarah at [email protected] a few days before a kiddos’ birthday if you want to send in treats so I can check for food allergies. Nuts are never allowed, but some individual classes have food allergies/concerns that I also monitor closely. Thanks for keeping our students safe. We also strongly encourage healthier treats if possible as some families closely monitor their kiddos’ sugar and food dye intake. Please do not show up with treats to share without checking with me first!

Please remember that we are a NUT FREE school as we have several students with severe nut allergies. Kiddos may enjoy nut free granola bars and spreads on their sandwiches and all the nut free favorites when away from Arete. Thanks!

*Want to see dates for the entire year? Click here


Dates for the 2023-2024 School Year

*April 26- Last day to purchase supplies/curriculum for the 2023-2024 School Year. (No purchases are allowed for summer use or the following school year per state educational law). This day has passed. Any orders sent in at this point will be saved for next year.

*April 29 CAASP Testing 9-12

*April 29- Sutter's Fort Field Trip 9-5

*April 29 Flat Bow Building 12:15-2:15

*April 30 CAASP Testing 9-12

*April 30-5/1 Volleyball Tournament location and time tbd

*May-1-31st-Buy apples at Briar Patch during the month of May.  We are so excited to share that Arete Charter Academy will be BriarPatch's May Apples for Gardens recipient in Grass Valley. Help our Garden Grow! Buy apples at Briar Patch Food Co-op's Grass Valley location anytime in May and Arete's garden earns 10 cents per bag. Last year we raised almost $1000.

*May 1 Advanced Culinary 12:15-2:15

*May 2 CAASP Testing 9-12

*MAY 2 LEGO MAKE UP CLASS (4/4) 12:15-1:45