2nd-8th Grade Spring NWEA Math and AR Reading Assessments

Feel free to ignore this if you only have TK/K/1 or a Blended Middle School kiddo. We are noticing that there seems to be a correlation between how long students spend on the tests and whether or not students show growth on the tests. Starting with this testing session and moving forward, students will take the NWEA Math test from 9:15-10:30. They will be encouraged to take their time, try their best and work out their problems on paper before they enter them into the computer. If they finish before the 10:30 snack break, they may read a book they brought from home or work on lessons they brought from home. At 10:30, students will have a 20 minute snack/recess break. When they return from the break, they may finish the math test if they need to or may start on the STAR Accelerated Reader test. They will be encouraged to take their time and try their best. If they finish early, they may read a book they brought from home or work on lessons they brought from home. At 12pm, all students will head out to the front of the school to be picked up by parents. This will give students the opportunity to show all they have learned and to not feel rushed or disrupted by students moving into and out of the classroom.

It's that time to start scheduling the final round of NWEA Math and Accelerated Reader Testing for the 2024-2025 school year. Reminder that all testing will be completed in person this year and is mandatory. (CAASP Testing is on the State schedule for May). Second-Eighth Grade will still need to take the STAR AR test and the NWEA Math test. Second and Third Grade's EA's will also give the Dibels Screener during their 20 Day Meeting or Resource Center time in March).

Testing sessions will be offered on Monday, March 3, Thursday, March 6,  Friday, March 7, Monday, March 10, Thursday, March 14, and Monday, March 17.

If you have a busy schedule, please sign up early.  We only have ONE Friday testing day, so if you need that PLEASE book early. If your child has an Arete Chromebook checked out to them, please charge and have them bring it with them.  If they need to check one out from us, please add that they will need one in the comment section next to their name and we will have one waiting for them with their name on it in the front office.If they need to check one out from us, please come 10 minutes early to check it out so the kiddos can be logged in and ready when the testing session starts.

ALL 2-8th grade parents should sign their kiddos up for one of the testing slots. Only the Blended Middle School will complete these assessments during their regular resource center time. As always, please email [email protected] with questions! Thanks!